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Congratulations to Dr Vic Pearson

We are incredibly excited to share the announcement that Dr Vic Pearson, one of our Associate Directors, has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in the 2021 National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS).

9th August 2021

From space science and submarines to Scotch Whisky

How can understanding the secrets of the universe help make submarines safer, ensure Scotch Whisky's provenance and 'sniff out' new fragrances? Dr Geraint Morgan explains all.

15th July 2021
A pile of strawberries

IAA Funded Project with Food Safe Ltd.

AstrobiologyOU scientists to evaluate efficacy of pesticides and bacteria removal from fresh fruit and vegetables  

The worldwide consumption of ready-to-eat fresh fruit and vegetables has increased with the global effort to improve health and nutrition. However, it has been estimated that on average a piece of fruit will have been handled by seven different people before the customer consumes it.

22nd January 2021

PhD Vacancies now available

******All applications now closed*******

Applications for full-time, funded PhD studentships (October 2021 start) in AstrobiologyOU are now open. Studentships are available across all aspects of the group's research including microbiology, laboratory simulation, instrument development and education. 

4th January 2021
Professor Matt Balme

Congratulations to Professor Matt Balme

We are excited to congratulate Matt Balme as he becomes a Professor of Planetary Geoscience with immediate effect.

19th November 2020

Annual Report 2019-2020

We are excited to share the release of our 2019-2020 annual report.

In the report you will find about our:

8th October 2020

Winner of the Arms Control Idol 2020

Arms Control Idol 2020 was a competition run by the Centre for Science and Security Studies at Kings College London intended to spark “imaginative thinking” on the future of arms control and support early career researchers in the field. The first round was a written submission of 250 words, five submissions would then be selected for a five-minute oral pitch.

17th September 2020
Image of a satellite, drone and a mosquito

DETECT: Integrated Space Technology Vector Control

There is virtually no aspect of our daily lives that has been left untouched by the Covid-19 virus and the impact of it will likely be felt for several years to come.  It’s worth remembering that all of the other diseases which existed BC (Before Covid) are still just as problematic during this pandemic, and in some cases are being exacerbated by the disruption caused by Covid-19.

25th August 2020
Professor Shonil Bhagwat

Congratulations Professor Bhagwat!

We’re absolutely thrilled to congratulate Shonil Bhagwat on his promotion to Professor of Environment and Development.

10th August 2020
Professor Olsson-Francis

Introducing Professor Olsson-Francis

We’re thrilled to announce that our Director, Karen Olsson-Francis, has been promoted to Professor of Geomicrobiology

22nd July 2020