Jack, an undocumented domestic worker living in The Hague, speaks about The Center for Reproductive Labour, with a quote by founder Sakiko Sugawa, alongside a series of graphics created by the group.
“The internet has been flooded with lots of fake news about vaccines, medicines, conspiracy theories that left many people even more confused about this very strange virus”
A line drawing showing the immense stress and struggle of being locked in by a young asylum seeking mother, recently moved to a place where she knows no one, is frightened and isolated and cannot access support.
In this moving image a young asylum seeker from Pakistan depicts her sense of confinement by sketching a song bird with its wings bound tight to its body. It is perched on the edge of a diving board.
Mansoureh (Mahsah) Koohnab fled Iran due to religious persecution (she is a Christian) and has been living in Swansea for the last 10 months awaiting her asylum claim to be processed.
Mahsah had to leave her 6-year old daughter behind in Iran when she fled. This leaves an intolerable sense of pain from which painting only provides temporary relief. Here we see Mahsah dancing with her daughter.
The (false?) dilemma between security vs. freedom is expressed by Deborah Garcia in this beautiful ink art. Deborah is a Venezuelan young artist living in Spain after all family group faced political persecution and had to fled from Venezuela.
Post and image by Thanu, a researcher on the project.
There is a big ‘no’ to traditional European greetings such as handshakes and hugs according to health guidance. Everyone is required to keep a 2-meter distance.