Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
22nd January 2019
As in previous calls we are interested in supporting individuals and groups of scholars and we would like to receive both:
If you are seeking to gain recognition as a HEA Fellow or Senior Fellow, a completed eSTEeM project can be helpful to support your claim for professional recognition against the UK Professional Standards Framework via Applaud.
Following the success of last year’s eSTEeM conference which had a strong student presence, we are actively seeking to involve students in STEM scholarship activity. Therefore, in this round we would like to prioritise projects which involve students as scholarly co-collaborators/co-investigators on the project and not merely as the subjects of study. We are happy to provide guidance on how exactly this might be achieved in the context of your project plan.
The following list of priority areas are still of strategic importance and may help you in focusing your project proposal.
1. Learning design
2. Innovations in STEM
Innovation in educational technology – explorations of using technology in new ways and gaining a fuller understanding of changes in student expectations and aspirations in this area.
3. Learning Communities
The significance of learning communities in open and distance STEM education, how such communities may be developed and sustained and what impact vibrant communities can have on retention and progression of students. This might include proposals centering on, for example, a critical evaluation of the new STEM study or Induction websites or other learning community projects associated with specific programmes.
4. Supporting students
5. Employability
The University continues to work closely with employers to ensure that our curriculum provides graduates with suitable employability skills including the importance of accreditation by professional bodies and what effect this has on student motivation. Please note that funding is also available for scholarship related to employability from the Enhancing Employability and Career Progression Programme (EECP). eSTEeM is able to provide advice on making a submission to this fund and discuss with you which funding stream, eSTEeM or EECP, is most appropriate for your employability scholarship project proposal.
6. Equality and diversity issues in recruitment and attainment
[1] Please contact your respective Equality and Diversity Lead for further details on your school action plan.
This list does not preclude you from suggesting other projects that you feel would fit within the eSTEeM portfolio.
What to do next
Pre-bidding Workshop, 7th February, 10.30-12.00
We will be holding a pre-bidding workshop to assist colleagues with the preparation of an eSTEeM project proposal and to discuss any project ideas that you may have. The workshop will take place on Thursday 7th February, 10.30-12.00 in Meeting Room 2, Ground Floor, Chambers Building and will particularly useful for those who have not submitted an eSTEeM proposal previously. Please confirm your attendance, either in person or remotely, by visiting the registration page by Monday 4th February.
The estimated duration of the projects above is around 12-18 months with each team member expected to commit a minimum of 10 days. If you would like to register your interest in joining a project group please email esteem@open.ac.uk indicating which area you are interested in and why. Alternatively, if you already have a worked up proposal in mind then please download a project plan submission form, please see the links below.
Please send completed proposal forms or register your interest by emailing esteem@open.ac.uk by 17.00 on Thursday 28th February 2019.
We look forward forward to receiving your proposals.