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eSTEeM launches 1st call for AL led projects

5th February 2019

We would like to receive fully worked up scholarship project proposals by individual Associate Lecturers or groups of Associate Lecturers.

We envisage receiving project proposals which focus on key aspects of the Associate Lecturer role including, but not limited to – correspondence tuition and student support in STEM disciplines. For examples of the types of projects previously funded by eSTEeM please visit the projects tab.

Key information

  1. eSTEeM projects normally run to completion within 18 months.
  2. Projects will be funded by eSTEeM – day lecturer days (up to a maximum of 30 DLs over an 18 month period) and expenses. The DL allowance may be shared amongst a number of ALs working on the same project.
  3. In addition, eSTEeM may provide support for conference attendance in appropriate and expenses to attend eSTEeM community events.
  4. Scholarship skills development and mentoring will be provided by eSTEeM.
  5. All Associate Lecturer project proposals will require approval from your lead line manager (for each AL on the project team).
  6. Project proposals which focus on a specific module will require module team chair agreement which will be sought by eSTEeM on behalf of projects which meet the selection criteria 
  7. All eSTEeM funded project teams are required to submit interim short reports on a regular basis and a final project report within 2 months of completion.
  8. Following the success of last year’s eSTEeM conference which had a strong student presence, we are actively seeking to involve students in STEM scholarship activity. Therefore, we are prioritising projects which involve students as scholarly co-collaborators/co-investigators on the project and not merely as the subjects of study. We are happy to provide guidance on how exactly this might be achieved in the context of your project plan.

Application process

  • Please download a project plan submission form, please complete and submit it to by 17.00 on Friday 29th March.
  • Completed project proposals will be reviewed by the eSTEeM Coordination Group and proposers will be notified of the outcome by the end of April.
  • Project proposals which meet eSTEeM’s selection criteria will then be subject to approval from any relevant module team chairs. eSTEeM will seek this approval on behalf of the project team.
  • Please note that funding is limited and we anticipate funding up to a maximum of 5 proposals in this round. 

What to do next

Pre-bidding Workshop, 4th March, 18.00-19.30 via Adobe Connect

We will be holding a pre-bidding workshop to assist colleagues with the preparation of an eSTEeM project proposal; therefore, please come to the workshop with a specific project in mind. As we will be conducting some breakout activities, places will be limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. Please confirm your attendance by visiting the registration page by Friday 22nd February.

AL Skills register

Many eSTEeM projects require assistance with the collection of quantitative and qualitative data. Therefore, if you do not wish to lead a project but would be interested in being involved with a project, then please complete the skills register which can be found on our website and return it to us at We will keep your details on file and when an opportunity arises we will try to match ALs according to their skills, experience and research area interest.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 17.00 on Friday 29th March, we look forward to receiving your proposals. 

Related Resources: 
File eSTEeM-Project-Proposal-Form-Jul-22-FINAL.docx114.52 KB

eSTEeM Project Proposal Form.

PDF icon 2022-01-eSTEeM-Project-Plan-Supp-Info-FINAL.pdf229.11 KB

eSTEeM Project Plan Supplementary Information 

File Associate_Lecturers_skills_register_Jan_2024.docx84.41 KB

Skills register for OU Associate Lecturers.