Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
14th March 2016
June Barrow-Green, Professor of History of Mathematics at the Open University, will be speaking at the forthcoming 27th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians on the 16-20 March 2016 at Stockholm University. This prestigious event is celebrating the 100th anniversary of Institut Mittag-Leffler.
June commented “I am very excited about going to Stockholm to give a plenary talk at the Institut Mittag-Leffler Centenary. It is a particular thrill because I have been invited to talk about Gösta Mittag-Leffler, the mathematician who bequeathed his magnificent house and library to found the Institut, and I owe Mittag-Leffler a big debt of gratitude because the Institut is where I did the PhD research which launched my career.”
To view June's abstract please click here. For more details about the event please visit the congress website.