Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
16th July 2015
We are delighted to report that our eSTEeM colleagues Clem Herman and Sally Jordan have recently completed PhDs by publication.
Sally’s thesis is titled 'E-assessment for learning? Exploring the potential of computer marked assessment and computer generated feedback from short answer questions to assessment analytics'. It draws upon research conducted over a period of several years and reported in twelve peer-review publications. During this time Sally has been developing and evaluating innovative forms of e-assessment to enhance learning guided by her experience as a module team chair, a CETL Teaching Fellow, and as an eSTEeM project leader.
In writing 'Gendered Careers in Science, Engineering and Technology: Transforming Spaces and Changing Identities', Clem has built a narrative around her work on employability and careers of women returners. In particular she has studied the impact of career breaks for women in European engineering and technology companies. Clem has been involved in a number of eSTEeM projects and since July 2014 she has been the eSTEeM Co-Director representing departments of Maths & Statistics, Engineering & Innovation and Computing & Communications.
Congratulations to Dr Jordan and Dr Herman.