Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
6th June 2023
We are very excited to announce the addition of a further 15 projects to the eSTEeM portfolio. In response to the 22nd call for projects earlier this year, the eSTEeM Coordination Group were tasked with scrutinising another batch of high quality and innovative SoTL projects all with the aim of improving the teaching and learning experience for students. From the use of digital educational tools to provide more inclusive learning, to exploring the impact of virtual reality on engagement and accessibility of tutorials on a level 2 biology module, there is a wide range of interesting work on show. To find out more, please visit the list below.
Victoria Brown and Cath Brown - A personal tutor scheme to enhance student retention and improve success
Cath Brown and Sue Pawley - Innovation in online student support
Jo Buxton - Improving accessibility, inclusion, and engagement in synchronous online learning events
Colette Christiansen - Exploring timeliness, positivity and collection rates of TMA feedback
Sarah Daniell, Lorraine Waters and Katja Rietdorf - Exploring the impact of virtual reality on engagement and accessibility of tutorials for students studying S296
Jenny Duckworth, Jennie Bellamy and Harriet Kopinska - Sharing tutorial slides before online events: an evaluation of current practice and perceived benefits and barriers
Miriam Fernandez and Geoffray Bonnin - Study of the potential for digital educational tools to provide more inclusive learning
Adam Freeman and Anne-Katrin Klehe - Evaluating students’ experience of tuition in S217
Ruth Neal and Kaustubh Adhikari - Assessment and Feedback on Introduction of Group Work on M140
Andrea Patel and Chris Corcoran - An evaluation of the use and impact of Network Mapping to support the transition to university of Engineering and Design & Innovation students from the 20% most deprived areas in the UK
Susan Pawley, Nicola McIntyre, Gemma Warriner and Becca Whitehead - Creating a suite of resources to support students with Maths Anxiety
Ravi Rajani - Peer-learning activity for communicating algorithms in a Level 2 computer science module
Ivan Sudakow and Andrey Umerski - Transforming learning and assessment through didactic games in virtual calculus classroom
Zoe Tompkins - A case study analysis of STEM decolonising activity within UK Higher Education Institutions