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The 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 10:00 to Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 18:00
Via Microsoft Teams

Titled Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice, the conference will take place on the 29-30 April at the Open University campus in Milton Keynes. We would like to invite contributions from OU staff for the following session types:

  • Poster presentations
  • Short oral presentations
  • Ignite presentations 
  • Workshops/demonstrations

For further details about the sessions, themes and abstract submission process, please view the Call for abstracts guidelines. Submissions should be made via the online abstract submission form and please submit a separate submission for each session being proposed.  The deadline for submissions is Friday 14 February 2020.

We will again be presenting the annual eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year awards which will celebrate excellence in eSTEeM projects over the last 12 months. Conference delegates will also be invited to vote for the best poster.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the conference team at  We look forward to receiving your submissions.


PowerPoint Presentations

Day 1

Opening Workshop

Addressing Inequitable Outcomes for Black Students at The OU Workshop - Wendy Fowle, John Butcher and Darren Gray, Access, Participation and Success

Parallel Session A

Catherine Halliwell and Jenny Duckworth - Can an asynchronous student conference in Open Studio develop students’ critical evaluation skills?

Matthew Nelson and David Bowers - Large-scale game-based activity for delivering experience of communication within teams

Andrew Potter and Colin Blundell - Blended Tutorials in Mathematics - Simultaneous Face-to-Face and Online Learning Events

Parallel Session B

Janette Wallace and Isabella Henman - The role of large informal online workshops to engage and enthuse students studying SDK228 an interdisciplinary level 2 module

Cathryn Peoples - The Change in Student Engagement with Personalised Support: An Evaluation at the Mid-way Point of an eSTEeM-funded Project

Mark Jones, Sarah Chyriwsky, Judith Croston, Ulrich Kolb, Susanne Schwenzer and Sheona Urquhart - Online Team Investigations in Science (OTIS) – The student view of online team-working in astrophysics and space science

Parallel Session C

Rachel Slater, Patrick Murphy, Elaine McPherson and Anne Campbell - Accessibility and inclusion in tuition: examples of individualised support

Parallel Session D

Adeola Adeliyi, Michel Wermelinger, Jon Rosewell and Karen Kear - A systematic review of pair programming for learners of programming at a distance

Sharon Dawes, Chris Thomson, Stephen Rice and Stephen Bowles - How Jupyter Notebooks enhance learning and teaching on TM351

Patrick Wong, Helen Donelan and Tony Hirst - Understanding and mitigating students’ difficulties in undertaking complex practical activities on their computers

Ignite Presentations

Matthew Nelson - Storytelling in computing education

Carol Calvert and Rachel Hilliam - A qualification world?

Sarah Daniell and Lorraine Waters - Evaluation of students’ accessibility and use of online tutorials and forums in Level 2 modules, with specific focus on the experience of D flag students

Nick Chatterton and Eleanor Crabb - Developing the equivalent of student whiteboards for use in Adobe Connect tutorials and in forum posts

Ann Grand - Learning to be an engaged research community

Parallel Session E

Andrew Potter, Gerry Golding and Sally Crighton - Promoting Good Mathematical Communication as a key Employability and Transferable Skill in Level 1 Service Mathematics

Rupesh Shah, Helen Wilding, Martin Reynolds and Ray Ison - Curriculum innovation – transforming postgraduate learning systems for a world in turbulence

Leonor Barroca and Matthew Walkley - Who are our apprentices?

Parallel Session G

Susan Pawley - Maximising online tutorial attendance of a high population level 1 module

Anne-Marie Gallen, Mark Jones and Anne Campbell - Perceptions, Expectations and Experience of Group Tuition: towards a shared understanding amongst stakeholders (part II: the student perspective)

Rachel Hilliam, Gaynor Arrowsmith, Alexander Siddons, Derek Goldrei and Cath Brown - The Mathematics and Statistics Study Site: Facts, figures and further plans

Day One Closing Keynote Presentation

Phil Gravestock - Addressing Disparities in Student Success: enhancing BAME students' achievement

Day 2

Parallel Session H

Catherine Halliwell, Simon Collinson, Rachel McMullan and Jenny Duckworth - Can a new OU Study App enhance the learning experience of students on S350, an online only module?

Steve Walker, Tom Olney, Carlton Wood and Anactoria Clark - Learning analytics - let's get real!

Jake Hilliard, Patrick Wong, Karen Kear, Helen Donelan and Caroline Heaney - Using Real Time Student Feedback (RTSF) as an Emotion Awareness and Regulation Tool in an Assessed, Online, Collaborative Project

Jim Iley and Nick Adams - Single Component Assessment Examination and Exam Feedback: the S112 experience

Parallel Session I

Shirley Evans, Manish Malik and Winston Graham - An AL led eSTEeM action research project to support students and tutors: challenges and opportunities

Parallel Session J

Nick Chatterton, Eleanor Crabb and Kate Bradshaw - Generating graphical content for teaching: a simple and cheap way to produce diagrams/symbol rich content for forum postings and for live streaming in Adobe Connect

Parallel Session K

Janet Haresnape, Rupesh Shah, Nirvana Wynn and Barbara Jones - Building a community of STEM ALs – extension of the STEM-ByALs-ForALs programme to include more social learning opportunities

Venetia Brown, Alan Cayless and Jo Jarvis - Exploring the use of Labcasts to Support Associate Lecturers

David Conway - What are the careers education, information, advice and guidance needs of Open University Level 1 Computing and Communication students?

Fiona Aiken and Chris Hutton - Student perceptions and development of employability skills in level 1 science

Parallel Session L

Catherine Halliwell and Cath Brown - TMA Extensions: How are they used and what is their impact on student success?

Gerry Golding and Andrew Potter - Developing “use value mindsets” to enhance undergraduates’ perceptions of learning mathematics in a first-year service mathematics environment

Chris Hughes, Chetz Colwell, John Clarke, Kaye Williams and Alison Bromley - Evaluating the accessibility of an alternative format of module materials in Maths & Stats (Intranet only)

Anne-Marie Gallen, Clare Reger and Mark Bowden - Factors influencing female participation in Physical Science Postgraduate Research Programmes

Parallel Session M

Trevor Collins, Rebecca Ferguson and Eileen Scanlon - Putting Innovation into Practice – Enhancing the STEM curriculum through scholarship

Parallel Session N

Tom Olney, Mark Endean and Duncan Banks - ‘More Learning Designers are Needed’: Identifying the instructional design competencies required for the successful implementation of the UK Open University learning design approach in three Chinese Open Universities

Kerry Murphy, Jane Cullen, Eric Addae-Kyeremeh, Kris Stutchbury, Maria Velasco, Sarah Davies, Janice Ansine, Clem Herman, Olivier Biard and Joshua Mallet - OpenSTEM Africa: Strengthening science education in Ghana

Stephen Burnley and Sinead O'Connor-Gotra - Giving practical support to MSc students in the Global South

Parallel Session O

Alexander Mikroyannidis - Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain

Parallel Session P

Fiona Moorman and Karen New - STEM ISSS - where are we now? Evaluating awareness, usage and effectiveness of individual student support sessions

Day Two Closing Keynote Presentation

Helen May - Achieving Positive Outcomes for All:  What can we do and why does it matter?


Related resources: 
PDF icon eSTEeM_2020_conf_booklet_FINAL.pdf3.57 MB

Book of abstracts and conference details.

The 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2020: Day One Recordings

Recordings from day one of the 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference.

The 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2020: Day Two Recording

Recording from day two of the 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference.

Upcoming Events

Mar 18

Research Approval Advice Drop-in Session

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00

Via MS Teams

Contact: SRPP

STEMinar Series: eSTEeM Scholarship Showcase - 18th March 2025

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 14:00 to 15:00

Via MS Teams

Contact: eSTEeM

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