Centre for Scholarship and Innovation
13th January 2011
The joint Science and MCT Faculty initiative, eSTEeM, is now accepting submissions for projects. eSTEeM will be supporting projects that include innovations in teaching and learning, have a scholarship focus and address university and unit priorities.
There is, however, scope for projects with a less overt L&T focus so long as they address the main eSTEeM themes as set out in the eSTEeM manifesto published in December 2010. Steve Swithenby, eSTEeM Director (Science) emphasises the opportunities that eSTEeM offers. "We welcome all your ideas. We will be looking for strategic relevance and will be fierce about quality and feasibility but, within those constraints, will be as inclusive as possible. There is lots of help available to share and sharpen your ideas and to create a portfolio of projects that will influence the future of our faculties."
Details including project criteria can be found in the document entitled Invitation to submit project plans Jan 2011 which can be downloaded from our website under the section 'eSTEeM Documents.’ All applications should be made using the Project Plan Form Jan 2011 which is also available to download from our website.
Please email completed forms to esteem@open.ac.uk by 15:00 on 4th February 2011.
If you have any queries please contact us at the above email address.