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eSTEeM Projects

The search found 34 result(s)

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    Gathering student perception about online/distance practical science at level 2

  1. Victoria Nicholas
  2. We describe findings from a study based upon a collaborative project carried out online as the end of module assessment activity of a multidisciplinary science module at the UK Open University.

    July 2015 to February 2021

    Online module forums: espoused, actual and improved

  3. Barbara Jones
  4. The main goal was to analyse what actually occurred in the T313 and T317 TMA and EMA forums and to make comparisons between them with a view to

    July 2020 to July 2021

    Blended tutorials in Mathematics: simultaneous F2F and online learning events

  5. Andrew PotterColin Blundell
  6. October 2019 to September 2021

    Evaluating Statistics anxiety across different qualifications

  7. Rachel Hilliam
  8. This project addresses findings that were suggested from the evaluation of the project “How one module can serve multiple qualification t

    April 2022 to December 2024

    Supporting MST224 students with bridging material during their transition from level one mathematics

  9. Sue PawleyChris Hughes
  10. Using funding from eSTEeM, we have created an interactive website and series of online tutorials under the umbrella of Revise and Refresh (R&R) for MST224: Mathematical methods.

    May 2017 to November 2018

    Wisdom from Groups

  11. Simon Bell
  12. The project themes can be set out in short hand as follows: Online group work. How we get better at it, the need to do more, providing students with experience, innovation in method and reaching out by means of a story set out in a graphic novel.

    October 2017 to March 2019

    Online Team Investigations in Science (OTIS)

  13. Mark Jones
  14. Aims: By taking a comparative approach between three online team investigations in planetary science and astronomy, this project aims to investigate the factors that may be important in determining the effectiveness of such activities.

    October 2017 to December 2021

    Investigation of widening participation and success in postgraduate technology and computing

  15. Donald EdwardsMark Slaymaker
  16. This project seeks to understand our current performance against EDI, widening participation and success (WPS) targets on postgraduate qualifications run by the schools of C&C and E&I, collectively Postgraduate Technology and Computing (PTC).

    November 2022 to November 2023

    Supporting the student’s learning journey through the transition of mathematics and statistics from level 2 to level 3

  17. Alison BromleyRachel HilliamGareth WilliamsGaynor ArrowsmithAlex SiddonsSue Pawley
  18. Mathematics and Statistics are linear subjects where success at higher levels depends on firm foundations, it is likened to a carpenter who is only capable of making a beautiful piece of furniture once they understand how a hammer and nail work.

    May 2017 to September 2023

    Using peer observation within a Mathematics and Statistics community of practice in Scotland

  19. Sally Crighton
  20. This project stemmed from the first named author’s continuing interest in developing scholarship in a community of Open University (OU) Associate Lecturers (ALs) living in Scotland and teaching Mathematics & Statistics (M&S) modules.

    May 2017 to September 2019