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Supporting students

Cultivating student led tutorials in STEM

  • Melanie GreggVivien Cleary
  • The objective of this small-scale study was to create a tutor free, active learning environment where students feel at ease to discuss and work on skill-based problems together.

    October 2021 to December 2022

    Using knowledge from Associate Lecturers in a Bayesian model to predict the probability of students’ results

  • Fadlalla Elfadaly
  • Predicting the passing probabilities of an online module has always been an interest in higher education. It helps in planning, decision making, providing feedback to students and also in helping students work around any difficulties or milestones that are predicted to affect their results.

    November 2020 to December 2022

    Welsh-medium tuition in Level 1 Mathematics/Addysgu Mathemateg Lefel 1 trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg

  • Andrew PotterDelyth TomosChris Hughes
  • Welsh-medium education has attracted increased attention over the past 50 years. Much research has been conducted in secondary and higher education contexts, including the teaching and learning of mathematics in Welsh.

    November 2020 to December 2022

    Support for Students. Teaching for Tutors. An Investigation into Ideas on Encouraging Students to Engage

  • Cathryn Peoples
  • According to the social constructivist model of learning, social opportunities are considered to be important in an educational experience for their positive influence. The principle is that the learning can be reinforced through the interaction with others.

    August 2020 to March 2022

    Encouraging verbal communication in online small-group Maths problem-solving sessions; taking inspiration from individual sessions

  • Abi Kirk
  • In OU STEM online tutorials, speech by students is seen to be rare. Evidence of this is provided by a sequence of studies, starting from the early days of online tutorials. However, students do speak in online individual support sessions (ISS).

    August 2021 to October 2023

    Day time tutorials for apprentices – what is best practice in computing?

  • Autumn ThomsonMarina Carter
  • At the Open University (OU) we are still learning about the best way to support our apprentice learners in their academic study. Degree Apprentices are learners in full time employment with study funded through the apprenticeship levy and other government sources.

    April 2020 to December 2021

    How successfully are students engaging with the Python component of SM123?

  • Gemma Warriner
  • SM123: Physics and Space is a Level 1 module aimed at preparing students to study physics, astronomy or planetary science at OU level 2. Most students are not new to the Open University and will have already studied S111: Questions in Science.

    April 2020 to October 2021

    Evaluation of Assessment and Tuition Changes for S284 Astronomy

  • Mark JonesHelen Fraser
  • Astronomy is a subject area with broad appeal, being a topic of interest both for students intending to specialise in astrophysics and for those who simply wish to know more about our place in the Universe.

    June 2020 to December 2021

    Using Bitesize Videos to Enhance Students’ Experiences in a Level 2 Programming Module

  • Soraya Kouadri MostéfaouiMark HallMarina Carter
  • TT284 is a popular level 2 Web technologies module attracting over 1000 students in each presentation.

    April 2020 to November 2023

    How one module can serve multiple qualifications through tailored implementation of presentation

  • Carol CalvertRachel Hilliam
  • Students taking qualifications mainly in science, economics and data sciences are now the majority of the students on a second-year undergraduate statistics course.

    March 2020 to November 2021

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