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Attending the Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference

Three people standing close together, smiling. They are standing in front of posters for the Advance HE Conference

Two FASSTEST scholarship projects presented papers at the Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference, held at Keele University from the 4th – 6th July 2023. Both papers were presented in the first parallel session, so there was good attendance and interaction.

The first paper, A framework for understanding student engagement in online higher education activities, presented by Ali Gisby and Cathy Schofield, examined students’ willingness to interact with different forms of online learning activities. There was an excellent discussion on the increased time poverty experienced by students, and its impact on their engagement.

This was followed by Changing cultures – adoption of predictive analytics to enhance student retention, presented by Tracey Elder and Cathy Schofield. There was an interesting discussion on the value of predictive analytics and how to affect cultural change from lecturers who may be nervous or suspicious of the emerging technology.