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FASSTEST supports scholarship projects and holds events that aim to make student voices heard, these support curriculum development and enhance our students’ experience.

Improving student experience and outcomes is at the heart of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Examples of student participation in FASSTEST projects and events include:

  • Since its launch in October 2018, FASSTEST has supported more than 95 scholarship projects, with thousands of students actively participating in surveys, interviews, focus groups, forum discussions or workshops. Recommendations based on the findings of FASSTEST projects are feeding into practice and policy relevant to teaching and learning in our university.
  • The FASSTEST Advisory Group, which advises on strategic development of our Centre, includes a student representative, as does the university-wide Scholarship Steering Group. We are also in regular contact with OUSA and invite OUSA Student Reps to take part in FASSTEST events to discuss project findings and feed back on behalf of other students.
  • Scholarship bursaries: Please note that the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is different from scholarship bursaries. For further information about fees and funding for Open University courses, please visit OU Courses website.