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Academic integrity and online assessment event

Student studying on laptop

Online assessment offers universities many advantages, from greater flexibility and inclusivity to resource-savings in challenging financial times. Some institutions have been assessing online for many years, others have moved towards it as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. However, almost all providers are now experiencing a significant rise in academic conduct referrals. In part that is a consequence of improving detection methods but it also reflects growing numbers of actual cases, whether in the form of plagiarism, collusion or the use of essay mills.

This seminar will explore these challenges, along with some possible solutions, from the perspectives of three quite different universities; a UK distance learning provider, a UK conventional university, and a European distance learning institution. it will use the experiences of both presenters and attendees to consider how to prevent the advantages of online assessment being undermined by increasing opportunities for unfair assessment practises. The session will be led by the Open University of the UK.

This event is being facilitated by EDEN Digital Learning Europe and is being moderated by Dr Richard Marsden, a project team lead in FASSTEST and theĀ Director of Teaching for the School of Arts and Humanities at The OU.

Register for the event here.