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Working with us

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We welcome opportunities for collaborations with external partners and are interested in engaging with colleagues and organisations beyond The Open University.

 Examples of this include: 

  • External funding partnerships for scholarship-related research
  • Collaborative events, workshops, and conferences 
  • Developing shared toolkits or resources
  • Collaborative academic articles or blogs 
  • Consultancies 
  • Any other opportunities for knowledge exchange 

We would also love to put you in touch with our researchers, who can provide:

  • Specialist commentary for media outlets  
  • Specialist research, data and briefings for policy makers (such as - higher education policy; lifelong learning; online and open learning; equality, diversity and inclusion in higher education) 
  • Advice and consulting relevant to their FASSTEST project

If you are currently, or have recently, been involved with developing new and innovative approaches to teaching and learning within the Arts and Social Sciences or are looking for effective ways to engage learners from a wide range of different backgrounds, then please get in touch. If you would like to work with us or find out more, then please contact us at