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Current PhD Studentships

OOC DTP studentship opportunities for 2025 are listed here.

E&I School 2025 studentships are listed below.

Applications are invited from potential candidates under the following topics:

How to Apply

You are encouraged to contact the lead supervisor of the project(s) for any informal enquiries relating to the project and candidate suitability.

If you would like to apply, please send an email to by 31st January 2025 and include:

  1. A completed Open University application form, downloadable from: Application Process. (Note: This is an advertised studentship and you do not need to submit a proposal);
  2. An academic CV containing contact details of three academic references;
  3. A 1000 word cover letter outlining why the project is of interest to you and how your skills match those required;
  4. Applicants will need to demonstrate good competence in the English language.