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Design and Innovation

Our courses are for people interested in developing creative design thinking and practical work to address problems in every aspect of life, not just the creative industries.

Undergraduate qualifications

We manage a nested set of undergraduate courses, including the new Bachelor of Design qualification.

Bachelor of Design (BDes)

BA/BSc Design & Innovation

The BSc route is accredited for membership of the Institution of Engineering and Technology depending on the options chosen.

As part of these qualifications we have prime responsibility for certain modules that can be taken as standalone modules for interest or continuing professional development for those with adequate prior knowledge and experience. They also feature in other courses run by other Schools.

Undergraduate modules

Free courses and resources

We actively contribute to The Open University’s provision of open educational resources through OpenLearn and other open media channels. We have provided many study units and rich media assets derived from current and discontinued modules with others arising from our research and scholarship work. These can be found under the Science, Maths and Technology section of OpenLearn but we list some of them below.