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Research Degrees

PhD students working in an office

Recruitment for October 2025

Applications for funded PhD study to commence 1 October 2025 are now open. Studentships are available for 3 to 4 years for full-time study and up to 6 to 8 years for part-time study. The studentships cover fees, include a stipend (£19,237 per annum for 2024–2025 full-time study), and also include £1,100 travel allowance each year for full-time study, pro-rated for part-time study. 

Applicants are encouraged to apply for one or more named projects. Applicants should state clearly which project(s) they are applying for on their application, listing the order of preference. Please list no more than three projects.

Application deadline for both funded and UK self-funded doctoral study beginning October 2025: Monday 27 January 2025.

PhD opportunities available from the Interdisciplinary Life and Environmental Science Landscape Award (ILESLA):

The Open University has partnered with University of Oxford (lead university), Oxford Brookes University, The Pirbright Institute, Diamond Light Source, and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to launch the BBSRC-NERC funded Interdisciplinary Life and Environmental Science Landscape Award (ILESLA).

The primary aim of ILESLA is to cultivate researchers capable of developing innovative solutions to challenges in and at the intersection of biological and environmental sciences, focusing on five interconnected themes: Climate and Earth; Biodiversity and Sustainability; Animal and Human Health; Rules of Life; Transformative Technologies. You can view a full list of research topics within each theme here.

If you wish to conduct your ILESLA PhD work primarily at The Open University, you should apply following the procedure outlined here.

Application deadline for ILESLA study beginning October 2025: Wednesday 29 January 2025 at 12:00 midday UK time.

Please note that applying for an ILESLA funded PhD is a separate process than applying for an OU funded studentship. Each funding scheme has its own process and an application for one scheme will not be considered for the other. If you would like to apply for both schemes you will need to apply twice using the guidelines of each of the two schemes. Please also note that the information on this website is mainly related to the OU funded studentships. 

PhD students benefit from a lively research environment with a full programme of seminars, extensive university training, career development opportunities and support to join an appropriate learned society. The School of Mathematics and Statistics provides a friendly and flexible working environment for all of its staff and students and holds a Silver Athena SWAN award. We support flexible working patterns and welcome applications from women and minority groups. The School ensures that every female PhD student is allocated a female member of staff as a point of contact, and organises networking events for female academic staff and PhD students.

How to apply:

  1. Please read the school's Guide for applicants.
  2. Please read the Graduate School’s Guide for applicants.
  3. Choose from the list of Research projects for 2025.
  4. Submit informal enquiries to the Postgraduate Research Tutor.
  5. Apply by completing an application form and email it to the Postgraduate Research Tutor.

If you want to apply for the ILESLA programme you should follow the procedure outlined here.

The application form includes a separated Equal opportunities and Higher Education Statistical Agency monitoring form, which is not used as part of the assessment process. Aggregated data from completed application forms will be shared with UK Research and Innovation.

Funded study

  • Studentships include fees for 3 to 4 years full-time and up to 6 to 8 years for part-time study 
  • Annual stipend (£19,237 in 2024–2025 for full-time)
  • Annual travel allocation (£1,100 for full-time study, pro-rated for part-time study)
  • Dedicated work-space and a laptop
  • Presence at OU Milton Keynes Campus is required for a minimum of 12 face-to-face events on campus each academic year for full-time students, at least 10 of these events must be supervision meetings (6 face-to-face events, at least 5 of which are supervision meetings for part-time students). However, it is strongly recommended that full-time students attend campus at least twice a week.

Self-funded study

  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Institutional email address and access to Milton Keynes campus
  • An OU laptop