Our conference will feature several poster presentations which will be shown at intervals throughout the two days.
Please click on the poster titles below to read the abstracts and the author biographies. A reel of all the conference posters is available below
- Tales of successful support interventions – Rocio Rivero-Gutierrez, University Plymouth
- Closing the awarding gap: Listening to the experiences of Black Science students – Louise MacBrayne and Jennie Bellamy, The Open University
- Creating flexible accessibility for distance-learning students while developing a remote coaching and mentoring service – Enya-Marie Clay and Richard Peat, The Open University
- What opportunities and challenges does the datafication of UK higher education present to Careers Services in engaging students from underrepresented groups? – Lesley Grayburn, The Open University in Scotland
- Are medical school applicants from a widening-participation background disproportionally disadvantaged: A systematic review – William G Rowley and Dr Fiona Watson, University of Liverpool
- Working towards a more inclusive learning journey – Tracey Inverary, The Open University
- ‘Towards Inclusivity’ – A practical, community-based approach to enhancing inclusive design, using data and learning design – Jannah Aljafri and Rafael Hidalgo, The Open University
- Updating ICEBERG: The process of updating the OU’s design principles for retention with a focus on embedding EDIA – Catriona Matthews, The Open University