Classical Receptions in Drama and Poetry in English from c.1970-2005

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Derek Walcott: The Divided Child, Chapter 6

Poem Title

Original Publication

CP Page no

The Divided Child, Chapter 6

Another Life, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973


Allusion to Classical figure Vergil, Ulysses/Odysseus, Penelope

Relationship to Classical text No specific references to classical texts are made.

Classical/post-Classical intertexts Ecclesiastic Latin and Greek. ‘Heureux qui comme Ulysse’ is a quotation from Joachim du Bellay’s Les Regrets (poem XXXI; published 1558).

Further Comment The Vergilian motto statio haud malefida carinis (see the comments on ‘Chapter 5’) recurs.