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Evidence-Based Champions and PoliceMentor

Police Mentor visit

Evidence-Based Champions (EBCs) are individuals at any level of the organisation who initiate, facilitate and implement change. The definition of an EBC is evolving as police officers take on the role and develop it within their practice.

Individual: Act as a pathfinder providing advice, guidance and support at the individual level
National/Organisational: Incite innovation that focuses on strategic organisational issues to provide advice on transforming evidence into practice
Role: Provide subject-specific advice for different roles within the Police (e.g. Investigation, Cyber-crime, etc.)
Local: Work within the forces locally, focusing on supporting specific issues relevant to their force


What is PoliceMentor?

PoliceMentor aims to support the professional development of police mentors who can be Evidence-Based Champions (EBCs). PoliceMentor provides a series of activity guides that assist EBCs to improve their mentoring skills within the Evidence-Based Practice of policing.

PoliceMentor aims to:

  • Explore why we should support Evidence-Based Champions
  • Discuss what are the key aspects of appropriate mentoring relationships
  • Identify how mentoring works in practice using mentoring models
  • Provide practical activities for mentoring Evidence-Based Practice

How to use PoliceMentor:

If you are currently an EBC, mentoring an EBC or looking to become an EBC you can use our activity guides to improve your mentoring practice. Work through the three sections below to:

  • Learn the skills needed to be an effective mentor
  • To practice and develop the skills you have learned by working through the activities.


2023 Annual Report

This annual report features a selection of the work undertaken across 2023 which we consider to be highly relevant for the current policing environment.

15th May 2024
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Upcoming Events

Sep 25

Online Seminar: Strengthening Trust and Legitimacy of Policing

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:30

Oct 23
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