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COVID-19 and facilitated engagement online

Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo, Visiting Research Fellow at The Open University’s Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, reflects on the challenges and opportunities COVID-19 has presented for online, facilitated engagement. Fidele uses the example of local Leadership Learning Clubs to demonstrate the positive outcomes of moving facilitation to online. 

14th July 2020

Refugee Week 2020

Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo, Visiting Research Fellow at The Open University’s Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, reflects on Refugee Week 2020, marked during the COVID-19 pandemic and contextualised by the Black Lives Matter Social Movement.

6th July 2020

Navigating access to the boardroom: experiences from my PhD journey

Lindsay Wilson Jones is a PhD student in the Faculty of Business and Law at The Open University. In this blog, she discusses her research and outlines some of the key challenges she has faced when collecting data, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1st July 2020

In celebration of Volunteers’ Week 2020

This week, we are marking the National Volunteers’ Week, a timely reminder of the difference millions of volunteers make in the daily lives of many. In this post blog, Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo, Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, explores why we should celebrate volunteering.

2nd June 2020

Interview with Dr Peta Wilkinson

In this testimonial, Dr Peta Wilkinson, Chief Executive of Willen Hospice and alumna of The Open University, discusses the benefits gained from her involvement as a participant in the pilot CVSL Leadership Learning Club, co-hosted with MK Community Foundation and Community Action MK.

28th April 2020


New research suggests that the voluntary sector may lose £4 billion of funding during the current crisis. Social media campaigns with the hashtags #EveryDayCounts and #NeverMoreNeeded are highlighting the real cost if this funding gap is not urgently addressed.

24th April 2020

A message from the CVSL Centre Director

The Director of the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership in the Faculty of Business and Law, Dr Carol Jacklin-Jarvis, would like to send this message out to colleagues, partners and all third sector organisations, as support in these fast-changing times.

2nd April 2020

A shout out for leadership

In these extraordinary times, the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership has praised the amazing leadership shown by so many in voluntary and community organisations, large and small - including Community Action:MK, Works for Us and MK CAB, NAVCA, UK Community Foundations and beyond. 

20th March 2020

The role of voluntary organisations in flood management

With fields up and down the UK increasingly looking like lakes, this month we link to a blog from Karen Potter that considers the implications of floodwater management for voluntary organisations through the case of Toddbrook Reservoir.

24th February 2020

The PhD Research Journey

This month, we introduce you to the journey through which PhD students arrive at The Open University and go on to develop insights into leadership and collaboration in voluntary organisations and social movements. In these videos, you can find out more about the experiences of former PhD student Daniel Haslam and Akash Puranik.

5th December 2019