(Please note: there are no audios available for this conference)
Jessica Chupik
In the late 1940s a group of Toronto parents formed the first organized advocacy group in Canada to push for education and other services for children with learning (developmental) disabilities.
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Rose Mossop, Susan Douglas and Myra Bradley
Southend Mencap since 1999 have provided an advocacy service for people with learning disabilities. The service arose from a growing trend in people seeking advocacy from a befrienders scheme.
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Tina Wilkinson
The first steering group met at Voluntary Action Sheffield. The members of this group included: David G, Michael C, Jasmine W, Shelagh G, Diana C, Brian W, Peter, Tony R, Eleanor S and Ruth M (the link person).
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Dan Goodley
In this session members of Huddersfield People First will talk about their experiences as a group which has been running for 16 years. As experienced members of the self-advocacy movement, members have many strong opinions on the ways in which the movement has developed.
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Paul Williams
One of the first self-advocacy groups in America was based in Omaha, Nebraska. It was called Project II. Project I had been the setting up of the ENCOR (Eastern Nebraska Community Office of Retardation) service to bring people with learning difficulties from the Omaha area out of the State Institution which was 130 miles away.
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Mabel Cooper and Gloria Ferris
There was nothing when we came out of hospital; no support, no help. There's more help now, as more and more people have come out of long-stay hospitals and some of them have started to speak up for themselves.
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Heather Cadbury
Setting for the story - John Langdon-Down wanted to improve institutional life; he also had a passion for the arts, in particular the theatre; a family concern for the wealthy - taken over by the NHS; Wolfgang Stange, dancer and choreographer wanted to share his love of dance with others.
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If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:
Liz Tilley
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
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