How much time you have to spare and how much money you have to spend define who you are in our society. Both time and money together affect where we spend our days and where we live as well as things like how we dress and what we eat for dinner.
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College courses for learning-disabled people are changing. From now on all courses have to include some work experience. Colleges are expected to help students find jobs - more so now than ever before.
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In my talk I want to tell everyone about my time working at Leavesden Hospital in Hertfordshire. Firstly inside the hospital then outside it, I lived there for over twenty years.
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How do people with learning difficulties see free time? What does it mean to them? What do they do in time that they call 'free time'? What is the role of services in the free time of people who use them?
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This presentation will examine the concept of leisure time for people with a learning difficulty. Leisure time is usually understood in contrast to work time. Leisure time is free time, time which we choose how to spend - in contrast to work time over which we have less control.
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(Please note: there is no audio available for the afternoon introduction.)
We want to tell you about two projects we have been involved in over the last year. We have done a project with young people with learning disabilities in three special schools. We talked about dreams and choices about how they spend their time now. Gloria will share how we did this work and what we found out (using the report and examples from the work we did with young people).
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In 2007 ULF got a grant from the Danish governmental dept. of Welfare to develop 'a tool for dialogue on human rights, aimed at young people with (learning) disability'. And I, once more, became the external consultant. The official name of this project is "Who decides the future?".
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My first job, from the age of 16 to 18 (1965 to 1967) was as an assistant housemother in a residential school for children with cerebral palsy who were also classified as being ESN. The school was run by the Spastics Society (now SCOPE).
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If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:
Liz Tilley
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
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