Begin to create a personal study environment using different tools
Communicate ethically with others
Evaluate current practice/digital skills and know where to go for development
Use digital tools and apps to find, use and organise online information and resources, to support study and personal development, e.g. time management apps
Develop own digital practices
Evaluate current digital skills and identify where to go for development
Maintain digital wellbeing
Recognise how behaviour impacts on self and others
Communicate with a range of audiences appropriately in an online setting, with awareness of legal and ethical responsibilities
Adopt strategies to manage distractions, stress or overload
Identify a range of sources, distinguishing between primary and secondary
Independently carry out subject searches using a range of sources, using common database features
Adapt and refine searches if necessary
Select information sources
Identify a range of key sources of information in the subject area
Distinguish between primary and secondary sources
Search techniques
Independently carry out a simple subject search within more than one database
Identify search features and functionality common to a range of databases and search engines, such as field searching, Boolean, limits
Review search results and adapt and refine the search if necessary
Apply comprehensive quality criteria to evaluate information, data and tools from a range of sources to support study
Evaluate quality of information
Apply quality criteria to evaluate a range of resources, including data, effectively (e.g. PROMPT)
Apply quality criteria to filter results from a range of sources
Evaluate digital tools
Apply relevant quality criteria to evaluate and use a range of digital tools to support study
Reference others’ work appropriately and accurately
Manage diverse information, from search results to images and data, securely and ethically; able to synthesise, re-purpose for different audiences
Manage, interpret and apply data
Manage different digital profiles to support academic and career goals
Academic integrity and ethical use of information
Respect rules of copyright and plagiarism
Reference accurately and appropriately
Use content ethically and legally, according to its terms of use
Recognise that digital content may have different terms of use, e.g. public domain, Creative Commons
Organise digital files
Manage digital information using appropriate digital tools and methods, such as reference management software, tagging
Systematically record and manage search results
Maintain digital profiles
Manage digital profiles for different personal, professional and academic networks
Maintain positive digital reputation in online communications
Manage and create digital data
Manage digital data in spreadsheets and other media
Interpret and apply digital data relevant to the subject of study
Media and audience awareness
Communicate with different audiences, for a variety of purposes, using different digital media (e.g. blog posts, presentations, infographics)
Be respectful and inclusive when communicating online
Synthesise information
Synthesise information from a range of diverse materials
Create and share digital content using a range of collaborative tools and software to achieve shared goals for study or work
Negotiate team roles and reflect on the collaboration
Show awareness of online group dynamic
Use digital tools and software
Create and share subject-related content and ideas using digital tools
Use a range of collaborative software for study or work, e.g. Wikis, Planner, online meeting software
Work in digital teams
Work in digital teams to produce shared content or meet shared study goals; negotiate and develop roles for collaboration
Show awareness of online group dynamic
Reflect on the collaborative process, roles, tools, and outcomes
Digital networking
Share digital content from external platforms in collaborative study spaces, e.g. OU study forums
Update and adapt own digital practice and use of tools, taking account of own wellbeing
Communicate ethically and legally online, showing personal and cultural awareness
Select and use digital tools in learning and professional development, to manage, organise, share and reflect, e.g. mind-mapping, note-taking
Develop own digital practices
Adapt to new and emerging technologies, independently evaluating use of devices, software, apps, plug-ins and upgrades
Maintain digital wellbeing
Practise principles of legal and ethical behaviour online
Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural difference, the wellbeing of self and others, and appropriate etiquette when communicating in different spaces
Adapt and develop own strategies to manage distractions, stress or overload
Identify a wide range of sources to address research problems and independently design a strategy to search several databases using a range of techniques
Be aware of ways of keeping up to date in a subject area
Select information sources
Identify problems or research questions and independently find and select appropriate information to address these
Independently devise and carry out strategy for finding information needed, using a range of sources
Search techniques
Use a range of database functionality in several databases, such as citation searching, and interpret the results
Use sources of current information to keep up to date and to inform career or personal goals research
Critically evaluate information, tools and data from any source by applying comprehensive quality criteria, to focus on the most appropriate
Evaluate quality of information
Use quality criteria to critically evaluate information from any source
Use quality criteria to filter results from searches and focus on the most relevant information or data within documents, e.g. by skim reading article abstracts
Evaluate digital tools
Evaluate and use digital tools and media in any context (e.g. study, personal or professional)
Construct a major bibliography and conduct a literature review according to discipline requirements
Curate and manage a large volume of diverse information securely and ethically
Analyse, synthesise and communicate digital content both formally and informally using tools appropriate to the medium and the audience
Work with data in advanced ways appropriate to the subject of study, including design and analysis of online surveys
Develop digital profiles to further career and academic goals
Academic integrity and ethical use of information
Respect rules of copyright and use alternatives such as Creative Commons licensing when sharing others’ digital content in own work
Construct a major bibliography according to discipline requirements
Use digital tools and media ethically and legally, repurposing and adapting content within original terms of use
Organise digital files
Manage and curate digital information in different spaces using appropriate digital tools and methods, such as reference management software, tagging
Manage a wide range of references using digital tools
Consider ethical, privacy and intellectual property issues around digital information you need to store
Maintain digital profiles
Develop digital profiles/identity to support academic and career aims (e.g. via e-portfolio or online CV)
Manage and create digital data
Analyse, interpret and re-present data using advanced tools and techniques, where appropriate to the subject
Design, administer and interpret online surveys
Media and audience awareness
Design effective communications for different purposes and digital spaces, using appropriate digital media and a range of editing tools, e.g. Camtasia, Adobe Photoshop
Explain how digital media influence social behaviour
Synthesise information
Synthesise information from a range of diverse materials on a complex subject, e.g. statistics, academic articles, blog posts, news articles
Produce a comprehensive literature review in a specific subject
Facilitate digital collaborations and share insights gained from external networks
Identify and use a variety of collaborative tools and software to produce digital content for a wider audience
Reflect on online group dynamics and roles
Use digital tools and software
Use a variety of digital collaboration tools and software to produce and share resources, knowledge and content for study
or work
Identify the most appropriate collaborative software for study or work, e.g. SharePoint, Planner, online meeting software
Work in digital teams
Initiate and facilitate formal digital collaborations to produce shared content for a wider audience for study or work
Reflect on online group dynamic and roles, tools and outcomes
Collaborate comfortably across cultural, national and/or subject specialist boundaries
Digital networking
Share insights and experiences gained from external networks to enhance learning
Develop personal learning environment and digital scholarship techniques, taking account of own wellbeing
Communicate ethically and legally online, showing personal and cultural awareness
Produce a comprehensive literature review in a specific subject
Select and use digital tools to create own tailored personal learning environment
Engage in digital scholarship within a subject or professional context
Develop own digital practices
Apply digital techniques to conduct and share research
Maintain digital wellbeing
Practise principles of legal and ethical behaviour online
Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural difference, the wellbeing of self and others, and appropriate etiquette when communicating in different spaces
Adapt and develop own strategies to manage distractions, stress or overload
Conduct a thorough literature search using a comprehensive range of sources using advanced search techniques
Keep up to date using a range of tools
Select information sources
Search independently across a comprehensive range of sources and information formats
Produce an independently conducted thorough literature search in a specific subject area, making effective use of advanced search techniques and database functionality
Search techniques
Demonstrate a critical and systematic approach to staying up-to-date, using the most appropriate tools and resources
Critically appraise digital tools and information from any source using comprehensive quality criteria, to filter large quantities of information; make judgements on own work and the work of others
Evaluate quality of information
Engage in critical appraisal, including judgements on own work and the work of others
Define the scope of a research question and apply relevant criteria to filter large quantities of information related to the question
Evaluate digital tools
Critically evaluate, select and use unfamiliar digital tools and media for any context (e.g. study, personal or professional)
Construct a major bibliography and conduct a literature review according to discipline requirements
Curate and manage a large volume of diverse information securely and ethically
Review, analyse, synthesise, re-purpose and communicate digital content formally and informally using tools appropriate to the medium and the audience
Where appropriate to the subject, test and query data using advanced tools and methods. Design and analyse large scale complex surveys
Manage digital profiles, and proactively engage in professional online community to further career and academic goals
Academic integrity and ethical use of information
Respect rules of copyright and use alternatives such as Creative Commons licensing when sharing others’ digital content in own work, and when creating digital content
Work with different referencing systems according to published output requirements
Construct a major bibliography according to discipline requirements
Use digital media and tools ethically and legally, repurposing and adapting content within original terms of use
Organise digital files
Follow agreed good practice in the secure organisation, curation, storage and back up of digital information across a range of platforms and devices
Manage a large number and range of references using digital tools
Consider ethical, privacy, intellectual property issues and work within restrictions that may apply to the type of digital information you need to store
Maintain digital profiles
Manage digital profile and proactively engage with professional networks to support academic and career aims (e.g. via e-portfolio or online CV, LinkedIn)
Manage and create digital data
Interpret and re-present data relevant to the subject of study
Where appropriate to the subject, carry out statistical tests, queries and data analyses
Design, administer and interpret large-scale online surveys
Media and audience awareness
Create, adapt, share digital content with an awareness of audience and purpose, using appropriate tools
Identify the most effective ways to use research outputs (e.g. reports, conference proceedings, journal articles) to create impact
Recognise difference between formal publication and informal information exchange
Synthesise information
Synthesise information from a wide range of diverse materials on a complex subject, e.g. statistics, academic articles, blog posts, news articles
Produce a comprehensive, large scale literature review in a specific subject
Take a leading role in digital collaborative work and engage in professional and/or academic networks
Lead on the use of collaborative software and multiple digital tools towards the production of shared work
Evaluate online group dynamic and roles, tools and outcomes
Use digital tools and software
Select, recommend and use appropriate collaborative software for group study or work, e.g. planning, meeting software, file sharing and diary management tools
Work in digital teams
Lead and engage in digital collaborations, environments and tools towards the production of shared work
Reflect on and evaluate online group dynamic and roles, tools and outcomes
Collaborate comfortably across cultural, national and/or subject specialist boundaries
Digital networking
Engage in and manage professional or academic interactions using multiple digital tools