Law cases

Legal cases that interpret the law in a new way are published in Law Reports. Unlike other academic sources, a single case is often reported in multiple law reports.

How to find a case (UK)

Having problems with decoding legal references or finding cases? This activity on finding cases will help.

Different databases give access to different law reports. The largest law databases to which the OU library gives you access are Westlaw and Lexis + UK. Access to the majority of law reports for England, Wales and United Kingdom; is contained in these two databases. As a law student you will need to use both databases during your studies.

When asked to read a law report, you are often given a ‘citation’, which includes an abbreviation of the law report containing the case. You can use Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations to find the full title of the law report.

To find which database gives access to a particular law report you can use the table in the drop-down below. Alternatively, you may prefer to use vLex Justis, please note we do not have access to all collections in vLex Justis.

This table lists the main individual law reports for England, Wales and United Kingdom. If the law report you are interested in is not listed try searching Westlaw and Lexis+ UK.

Title of law report Coverage Location
All England Law Reports (All ER) 1936 - Lexis+ UK
All England Law Reports European Cases (All ER (EC)) 1995 - 2015 Lexis+ UK
All ER Reprints 1558 - 1935 Lexis+ UK
All ER Reprints Extension 1861 - 1935 Lexis+ UK
Business Law Reports (BLR) 2007 - Westlaw
Criminal Appeal Reports (Cr App R) 1967 - Westlaw
English Reports (ER) 1220 - 1873 HeinOnline and Westlaw
English Reports (ER) 1220 - 1865 Lexis+ UK
Entertainment and Media Law Reports (EMLR) 1993 - Westlaw
Environmental Law Reports (Env LR) 1993 - Westlaw
Estates Gazette Law Reports (EGLR) 1975 - Lexis+ UK
European Human Rights Reports (EHRR) 1979 - Westlaw
Family Law Reports (FLR) 1980 - Lexis+ UK
Human Rights Law Reports (UK) (HRLR) 2000 - Westlaw
Industrial Cases Reports (ICR) 1975 - ICLR Online and Westlaw
Industrial Relations Law Reports (IRLR) 1972 - Lexis+ UK

Law Reports, The (covers Appeal Cases (AC), Chancery Division (Ch), Family Division (Fam), King’s Bench Division (KB), and Queen’s Bench Division (QB))

1865 - ICLR Online, Lexis+ UK and Westlaw
Times Law Reports (TLR) 1785 - 1985 Times Digital Archive
Weekly Law Reports (WLR) 1953 - ICLR, Lexis+ UK and Westlaw

Recent cases

Cases do take a while to be reported. Lawtel (on Westlaw) is helpful for daily cause lists, pending actions and permissions to appeal. The Times newspaper on Gale OneFile and Nexis UK reports decisions a day or so after the case is heard.

European cases

See the table in the drop-down below for sources of the main EU law reports and their coverage. Help finding EU cases is available.

Title of law report Coverage Location
All England Law Reports: European Cases 1995 - Lexis+ UK
Common Market Law Reports From 1962. Does not cover all cases but has significant ones. Westlaw
European Court Reports From 1954. Possible time delays to publication due to translation processes so may not cover recent cases EUR-lex and Westlaw
Official Journal 1998 - EUR-lex

Worldwide law cases

The availability of worldwide cases varies depending on the policy of individual countries. Lexis UK+ includes international cases and legislation these are found in the international section of Lexis UK+. Whilst Westlaw International is completely separate from Westlaw. The list headed 'EU and Worldwide Law' on this page gives you further sources for international law.