The Open Justice tutors teach on the module 'Justice in action' (W360) and manage many of the activities. You can find out more about our tutors below.
Arj has been an associate lecturer with the university for over fifteen years and currently tutors W202 (Contract and Tort) and W360 (Justice in Action). Arj also has experience of working on undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational courses at other institutions. In addition to his work in education, Arj manages a busy solicitors’ firm in Oxford specialising in dispute resolution and also holds volunteer roles including with the Citizens Advice Bureau. Arj’s practice is wide ranging including general contract, business and property disputes with a particular emphasis on employment law. This often takes him to a variety of courts and tribunals around the country.
Hazel has been an Associate Lecturer with the Open University since 2014 teaching on the two level one law modules. She also sits as a fee-paid judge and judicial mediator. She practised at the Bar for ten years and has been involved with Citizens Advice in various capacities – volunteer adviser, employment specialist and trustee board member.
Paul has been a tutor and consultant with the Open University for three years. In addition, he lectures in legal theory and public international law with other HE institutions, having a specific research focus on the power structures within international law. Prior to entering academia Paul held roles within the voluntary sector, including the setting up of rehabilitation projects for offenders. Within the Open Justice team, Paul's role is to support and tutor students that are attached to the prison projects.
Lizzie has been an associate lecturer with the Open University since 2016. She formerly worked in legal practice, mainly in the area of civil litigation. Lizzie went on to teach undergraduate constitutional law, while researching in environmental law, at another higher education institution. Now focusing on legal education at the OU, she currently teaches W101 (An introduction to law), W102 (Law: concepts and perspectives) and W360 (Justice in action). Lizzie previously worked as a consultant in supporting students with their case work for the pilot Open Justice Law Clinic from its inception in 2017.
Avril originally qualified as a solicitor specialising in children, family and criminal law work. She has been an OU tutor for 12 years on several law modules. She is enthusiastic about OU students putting their legal knowledge and skills to use in a practical setting and advancing their understanding of social justice. She looks forward to helping and supporting them to do so.
Gillian is the Scottish lawyer in the group and was involved in tutoring in the first year of the course. Apart from her Scottish practising background, she has been involved in a range of public law, LawCare and pro bono activities.
Siobhan has extensive experience in pro bono legal work. She volunteered at the Law Centre in Bristol as a caseworker in social welfare law after undertaking her Legal Practice Course. She qualified as a Solicitor in 2001 and specialised in legal aid law including criminal defence, social welfare, housing, children law and debt. Siobhan returned to Ireland in 2003 and worked as a Solicitor for a Law Centre in Derry before commencing her current position as an Advisor for a not-for-profit organisation. She has worked as a Law Lecturer for the Open University since 2009 and has tutored on various law modules.
Laura is an Open University Associate Lecturer. She tutors on several Open University undergraduate law modules including W360. Laura is a qualified solicitor with 19 years’ experience in private practice. She finished legal practice in 2016 to concentrate on legal education. Laura is a property litigation specialist and a member of the Property Litigation Association. Her main interests are housing law, landlord and tenant and commercial property disputes. Laura has also undertaken Mental Health Law work. Laura is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.