Booking Closed
With unforgettable songs, every performance of Calendar Girls the Musical continues to add to the millions already raised for charity and prove that there is no such thing as an ordinary woman.
Following the death of a much-loved husband, a group of ordinary women in a small Yorkshire Women's Institute are prompted to do an extraordinary thing and set about creating a nude calendar to raise money for charity.
But upturning preconceptions is a dangerous business and none of the women are prepared for the emotional and personal ramifications they will face as the fabulous and funny calendar brings each woman unexpectedly into flower.
The story of the Calendar Girls launched a global phenomenon: a million copycat calendars, a record-breaking movie, stage play and now a musical written by Tim Firth and Gary Barlow which coined the term "craughing" - the act of crying and laughing at the same time!
Thursday 19th October 2023
136 tickets in Band A seats in Stalls and Circle
14 tickets in Band B seats in Stalls and Circle
Ticket request deadline Monday 21st August 2023
Band A Seats: Group Discount price £42.50 *Saving £10.30 on ticket price and fees
Band B Seats: Group Discount price £37.50 *Saving £10.30 on ticket price and fees
Please make sure you read the BOOKING INFORMATION PRIOR to making a booking
Do not submit your request more than once. We would ask you to remember that we are all volunteers, therefore, please don’t be offended if you don’t receive an immediate response.
Please wait until you have received the payment request email BEFORE sending payment.
Payment deadline will be Monday 4th September 2023
Please remember that we are volunteers. We have therefore tried to put as much information as possible on our website and in our communcations to help deal with most queries.
If you CANNOT find the answer to your query in the following places:
Then please email us at