Diasporic Contact Zones at the BBC World Service
10 July 2009, 00:00 to 11 July 2009, 00:00
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
Toynbee, J. Dueck, B. [organisers], 2009. Migrating Music: Media, Politics and Style. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, July 10-11 2009.
Timothy Taylor – Professor of Ethnomusicology and Musicology, UCLA
Sara Cohen – Reader in Music, Director of the Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool
Charlie Gillett – Journalist and award winning presenter of ‘Charlie Gillett’s World of Music’, BBC World
Service in conversation with Kevin Robbins
Martin Stokes – University Fellow in Music, St Johns College, Oxford University
Ruth Finnegan – Visiting Professor of Sociology, The Open University
Conference convenors are Jason Toynbee and Byron Dueck, The Open University
Conference administrators are Karen Ho and Josine Opmeer, CRESC (Open and Manchester Universities)