Tuning In

Diasporic Contact Zones at the BBC World Service

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From Empire to Cold War

18 December 2007, 00:00 to 19 December 2007, 00:00

SOAS, University of London

‘From Empire to Cold War’, a series of 3 panel sessions at Tuning In International Conference, International Broadcasting, Public Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange

Panel One

Panel chair

Alban Webb

Panel presentations

  • Andrew Hill, The Empire Service: The Voice, the Discourse of the Master and Ventriloquism
  • Emma Robertson, ‘I get a real kick out of Big Ben’: BBC Versions of Britishness on the Empire and World Service, 1932-1967
  • Jock Given, Service from the Bottom of the World: The Voice of Australia, 1931-39
  • Simon Potter, Broadcasting Britishness: Reactions to the Empire Service in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, 1932-1939

Panel Two

Panel chair

Benny Ammar

Panel presentations

  • Graham Mytton, The BBC and Its Cultural, Social and Political Framework
  • Renée Poznanski, ‘Les Français parlent aux Français’: Voices from London on the Persecution of the Jews
  • Massoumeh Torfeh, BBC Persian Service Broadcasts to Iran 1941-79
  • Niccolo Tognarinin, Broadcasting in Arabic: BBC Arabic Service and the Race for the Middle Eastern Audience

Panel Three

Panel chair

Nicholas Cull

Panel presentations

  • Alasdair Pinkerton, A New Kind of Imperialism? The BBC, Cold War Broadcasting, and the Contested Geopolitics of South Asia
  • Alban Webb, Constitutional Niceties: Cold War Relations Between the BBC External Services and Whitehall
  • Gordon Johnston, ‘War in the Air’: The BBC and Foreign Language Broadcasting
  • Andrew Taussig, You Win Some, You Lose Some: 1989 and After