a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Silent protest against corrupted government in Srilanka

A girl holding Sri Lanka national flag

protest held in Swansea in solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka against the corrupted government in Sri Lanka.

7th December 2023

Refugee Employment Workshop

Otis, Haroon and Bie, three of the six people who shared their stories of the employment

Swansea City of Sanctuary held their Employment Workshop on 4th April, funded by Welsh Government ReStart: Refugee Integration Project.

7th December 2023

What a way to celebrate Refugee Week

placard saying 'Stop Rwanda Flights'

Next week is Refugee week…And UK Government celebrates it…By start sending asylum seekers…to Rwanda…

7th December 2023


Andrea, an 18-year old art student

Andrea, an 18-year old art student represents COVID19 quarantine with a photo called “Anguish”. Fleeing political persecution, she recently moved to the UK with her family from Venezuela. 

7th December 2023

Welcome Day in Brecon Beacons

A group of people standing in Brecon Beacons

Welcome Day hosted by Brecon Beacons Visitors Centre and Hay Brecon Talgarth Group

7th December 2023

Celebrating Hallowe’en with Swansea Women’s Asylum and Refugee Support Group

Celebrating halloween with swansea womens asylum and refugee support group

This picture is a collage of photos taken to commemorate the first full meeting, post Covid, of Swansea Women’s Asylum and Refugee support group. This took place on 29 October 2022.

7th December 2023

Experts by Experience: Asylum Seeking Women Activists

Sisters not Strangers: Olivia and Tandrima

Sisters not Strangers is a coalition of Asylum seeker support groups, led by Lived Experience, which focuses on the particular problems faced by women – often only mentioned as an afterthought.

7th December 2023

Beauty Day

Asylum Seeker girl getting hair done

The difficulties of being an asylum seeker can be crushing and with no real rise in their income from 2010,  the cost of living crisis is hitting them very hard. Post Covid, Swansea Women Asylum and Refugee Support Group is back to meeting monthly and in October the group decided that in this harsh environment that they wanted a selfcare, beauty day, some time to feel better about themselves. So that was decided as the focus of the November meeting.

7th December 2023

The History of Ukraine in One Image

The History of Ukraine in one drawing image

This is a line drawing by a 13 year old Ukrainian girl called Sophia Khorolska. It won a drawing competition in November 2022.

18th October 2023

The Streets Are Empty

Empty street in Kampala

This photograph was taken by a member of NURU – a youth organisation led by and supporting refugees in Kampala.

18th October 2023

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