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Ramadan in the time of Covid-19

Cleverly made cardboard mosque

Shared by a refugee in the UK.

13th December 2023

Where has all the toilet paper gone?

Grafitti shows an image of loo roll with a 'break glass' message above

“One thing that I still can’t understand is why one of the very first items that disappeared from the shelves was toilet paper. Since mid March 2020 I have seen many many people buying large quantities of toilet paper.

13th December 2023

Freedom Air

Armando stands on a high rock with his arms stretched wide with the blue expanse of the sky behind him

Armando took a shot of himself taking a “deep breath of freedom”. Armando and his family are asylum seekers looking for protection after fleeing from gangs in El Salvador.

13th December 2023

Support the NHS (a rainbow dress for Cindy)

Cindy wears a colourful dress with multiple layers

This Kyrgyz asylum seeking family are shielding under lockdown. The Mother has made her 5 year old daughter a rainbow Cindy dress to support the NHS.

13th December 2023

Lockdown workspaces at home

A male cuts the hair of a younger male outside

Lockdown photo by a refugee family from Kenya who have transformed their home into a classroom and office space to learn and work from home.

13th December 2023

The world beyond my fence

The town stretches into the distance beyond the fence the photographer stands behind

Usually, I’m desperate to go out, I can jump over this fence, or break the panels, to escape, but today I want to stay in way behind the fence, to avoid people passing by, I may need to have a thicker net, the world has come to a standstill, the grass is definitely greener this side!

13th December 2023

Lockdown – locks in Bakewell

Colourful padlocks span a bridge

“One of the places that we visited during lockdown was Bakewell, which is quite close to where we live. We took our kids for a walk there and came across this bridge with these locks. The locks reminded me of our lives during lockdown.

13th December 2023

Thank you NHS and care workers

A colourful yellow house with a red door in South Wales supporting the NHS and care workers

A colourful house in South Wales supporting the NHS and care workers.

13th December 2023

Vandalising the homes of those who support refugees on Lesvos

Red paint is splattered across a green front door on Lesvos

Racist attacks are on the rise across Europe. Doorways of refugee support workers in Greece daubed with red paint. Reminiscent of times of plague when it was common to mark the doors of victims of the disease with in red paint.

13th December 2023

Keys: a symbol of trust

Keys lie on a table

Jack said: “For a Filipino domestic worker like me, the key is a symbol of trust that binds us with our employer. We always keep them safe. This week, I took out the keys for my employers’ houses.

13th December 2023

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