a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Graffiti art in Birmingham

Stunning, colourful grafitti art in Birmingham

Powerful graffiti art by Josh Billingham (aka Gent48) in Birmingham, photographed by Ahmad, one of the researchers on the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project.

13th December 2023

My child is a Covid Warrior

A covid warrior gift certificate

Ahmad, one of the researchers on the Covid Chronicles from the Margins Project, said: “School asked if my daughter would be happy to take part in a Covid testing trial. We accepted and she has been very brave.

13th December 2023

Doing business during lockdown

Two men stand in a catering establishment in red shirts

Mr Rashid says: “Lockdown has hit many businesses hard in Germany. But it has been quite positive for me and my new food business. We have adapted very quickly to this new reality.

13th December 2023

Baking during lockdown

A duck-shaped biscuit is held by a small child. It has been decorated with a bright beak and white head

These photos were taken by Ahmad, one of the researchers on the project. He says “Lockdown meant I had more time with my little kids.

13th December 2023

New refugee camp on Lesvos flooded

Kara Tepe camp  flooded

Nearly 13,000 refugees became homeless after fires destroyed the overcrowded Moria camp on Lesvos, Greece on 9 September 2020.

13th December 2023

Corona collage

A collage of paper media made by Hassan

Collage by Hassan Altabbaa, a Kurdish Syrian man who writes: “I created the collage to document the beginning of the pandemic and the world’s reaction to it.

13th December 2023

Hop Food Bank, Swansea

Volunteers work at the food bank sorting food

Ann Griffiths, volunteer at HOP Food Bank, told Marie: “I was dismayed by some of the stories I read on this website. These are important stories to tell.

12th December 2023

Giving birth in lockdown

A couple with their faces blurred look at the camera. The man rests his hand sweetly on the woman's heavily pregnant stomach

Rita tells her story of giving birth in lockdown: “After trying several years finally we were welcoming our second child in June 2020. We had many challenges already because of our residence permit and then COVID-lockdown started.

12th December 2023

Tree of Life

painting of a bear

Sara’s words: “I love painting but never had the time for it. These paintings I made during corona. One is a semi self-portrait: feeling cut off from life, symbolized by the tree, also hiding behind the tree for safety.

12th December 2023

Birthday party during lockdown

A table filled with delicious-looking foods is prepared

This post is by Ahmad, one of the researchers on the Covid Chronicles from the Margins project. He says “The past 6 months have been quite challenging for my kids.

12th December 2023

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