Teachers from the Sharing Prosperity Primary school situated in New Kuchingoro IDP camp in Abuja, Nigeria, sing a song taught to the children to help manage the coronavirus pandemic.
Fabrice is a Congolese refugee currently living in the Oruchinga refugee settlement camp in Uganda. He set up his own hairdressing business for income, but the COVID-19 has devastated his trade.
Newroz is a major celebration for many Kurds. Last year people were unable to come together to celebrate the Newroz. This year also many people were unable to celebrate the Nerwoz due to Covid-19 and lockdown.
Covid-19 Chronicles researcher, Ahmad al-Rashid, originally from Syria, joined a live virtual Q&A in Elmbridge to discuss a decade of war in Syria, his journey to Europe and the impact that UK overseas aid has in supporting refugees around the
avid is a Congolese refugee who has been living in Oruchinga settlement in South-West Uganda for the past seven years. He had to flee his country with his brother when insurgents attacked his village.
This video features New Kuchingoro Internally Displaced Persons camp in Abuja, Nigeria. It provides you a small insight into life for those who live there.
This short film was produced by Daniel Kavimba, the founder of NURU “Need to Undo Refugees being Underserved”. He told us “Charlotte is an urban refugee woman living in Kampala, Uganda. She is a single mother to 6 children.