a large and vibrant mural of two intense, striking blue eyes. Between the eyes, there is a painted flower with green and red petals

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Majeda’s Fight for Human Rights

Majeda Khory

In the film Syrian Human Rights activist, Majeda Khory, recounts her personal journey and her fight against human rights abuses, torture and rape of Syrian refugee women on their journeys to safety and in detention centres.

29th November 2023

My Flowers

My flowers by Asrin Rahmani

In this beautiful video Asrin Rahmani, an Iranian Kurdish refugee, describes how her flowers nourished her soul and spirit during lockdown, how she made peace with nature during the pandemic, and the symbolic power of flowers and the song of the nightingale in Persian literature, poetry and art.

29th November 2023

Challenging Desertification in Niger

Draught land in Niger

This video was produced by Mahmoud and is drawn from a series of 7 videos and some photographs sent to him by his family in Niger. Mahmoud is an asylum seeker who now lives in Germany.

29th November 2023

Playing Kalimba on the Beach

Playing Kalimba on the Beach

This contribution comes from an undocumented migrant living in the Netherlands.

29th November 2023

The Art of Community

Swansea artist Mary Hayman narrating art pieces

This video is narrated by Swansea artist Mary Hayman who works on Community Arts projects with the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery in Wales, UK.

29th November 2023

Welcome to Swansea Portraits

volunteer ‘models’-Patricia and Laura

These Swansea billboards are enlargements of paintings by the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery Welcome group in Swansea.

29th November 2023

From Child Refugee to Open University Graduate

Heidi Hillman

In this touching film, Heidi Hillman’s life journey from child refugee fleeing Nazi Austria to Open University graduate is narrated by her son Josh Hillman.

29th November 2023

Covid Conversation: Professor Umut Erel

Theatre art-based method for covid conversation

Professor Umut Erel from The Open University (UK) discusses her theatre-based methods shown in the film “Black Women Act” – a provocative challenge to the UK government’s No Recourse to Public Funds policy.

29th November 2023

The Spiders of Reality: Life under Covid

The Spiders of Reality or Life under Covid

This poem was written in September 2020 by an asylum-seeker from Iran living in Swansea about life under Covid. In September 2021 she recited it for Covid Chronicles.

29th November 2023

A Journey of Hope: Sandy Ibrahim

Sandy Ibrahim posed for a refugee journey through Wales

In this video, Sandy Ibrahim, Member of the Youth Parliament of Wales, talks to Mohammad Azhdeh about her journey as a refugee from a sense of alienation to one of acceptance. It is a journey of hope for the future.

29th November 2023

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