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Access, Participation and Success

Sharing tutorial slides before online events: an evaluation of current practice and perceived benefits and barriers

  • Jenny DuckworthJennie BellamyHarriet Marshall
  • Access to slides in advance of online tutorials is thought to benefit many students with disabilities, e.g., those with sight and hearing impairments, some specific learning disabilities including dyslexia, and some mental health conditions including anxiety.

    June 2023 to December 2024

    Academic conduct referrals and students from underrepresented groups

  • Jill ShawRehana AwanJim Gillen Mark SlaymakerKatharine Jewitt
  • The project will investigate patterns in the demographics and referral data, and student perceptions for Level 1 students who are referred to the Academic Conduct (AC) Office within C&C. Several research projects (e.g.

    November 2022 to December 2024

    Investigation of widening participation and success in postgraduate technology and computing

  • Donald EdwardsMark Slaymaker
  • This project seeks to understand our current performance against EDI, widening participation and success (WPS) targets on postgraduate qualifications run by the schools of C&C and E&I, collectively Postgraduate Technology and Computing (PTC).

    November 2022 to November 2023

    Is the cost of home experiments a potential barrier to learning? Experiences from two level one science modules

  • Louise MacBrayneZoë Chapman
  • Practical work in the form of home experiments has always formed an integral part of the science curriculum, in particular at level one. The move, however, from printed materials to online delivery has been accompanied by a change in the way students are supported in home experiments.

    November 2022 to April 2025

    Evaluating the use of an Inclusive Curriculum Tool in STEM modules

  • Diane ButlerAndrew Potter
  • The development and implementation of the Inclusive Curriculum Tool (ICT) is one of a suite of measures the University is using to address issues around the degree awarding gaps which have been identified as priority areas in our Access and Participation Strategy (APS).

    May 2022 to December 2022

    Evaluating STEM/FBL APP Virtual Internship Scheme

  • Diane ButlerAndrew PotterCatherine ComfortKristen Reid
  • Winner of the 7th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2024.

    April 2022 to December 2022

    Evaluating Statistics anxiety across different qualifications

  • Rachel Hilliam
  • This project addresses findings that were suggested from the evaluation of the project “How one module can serve multiple qualification t

    April 2022 to December 2024

    Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on ethnic minority students’ study experience and awarding gap (A case study of Level 1 C&C Open University Modules)

  • Dhouha KbaierSoraya Kouadri MostéfaouiAnnemarie Kane
  • This report explores the broader impact of COVID-19 on the learning experiences and academic performance of ethnic minority students, using Open University (OU) Level 1 Computing modules as a case study.

    October 2021 to September 2023

    An evaluation of use and impact of zero grades in assessment; are we being consistent, fair, and transparent?

  • Karen NewFiona Moorman
  • Assessment is at the core of teaching and learning at the Open University.  It is used to measure student learning against institutional and AQA standards and, most importantly, assessment has a pivotal role in consolidating student understanding and in supporting progression along their learning

    June 2021 to December 2023