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  4. The use of peer assessment/review in distance teaching via the Moodle VLE

The use of peer assessment/review in distance teaching via the Moodle VLE

  • Project leader(s): Peter Taylor
  • Theme: Innovative assessment
  • Faculty: STEM
  • Status: Archived
  • Dates: April 2011 to September 2014

This project undertook an investigation of the use of peer assessment in distance teaching. After reviewing evidence from within and outside the institution a number of pilot studies were undertaken. The Workshop tool in the Moodle VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) was evaluated. Feedback from students on their experience of using peer assessment/review and the Workshop tool was very positive.

A user guide has been developed with LTS (Learning and Teaching Solutions) for Module teams to use the workshop tool. A number of modules have started to use the workshop tool for peer assessment.

Related Resources: 
PDF icon Peter Taylor, Peer assessment. eSTEeM Final Report.pdf114.79 KB

eSTEeM final report.

PDF icon Chetwynd, Gardner and Jefferis, Peer review literature search. Appendix 1.pdf152.45 KB

Appendix 1 - literature review.

PDF icon Manish, Peer review external use of tools. Appendix 2.pdf283.11 KB

Appendix 2 - external review.

Office presentation icon Peter Taylor, The use of peer assessment presentation. Appendix 3.ppt500 KB

Appendix 3 - project presentation.

PDF icon Peter Taylor, Workshop application. Appendix 4.pdf987.21 KB

Appendix 4 - workshop application.

PDF icon Peter Taylor poster.pdf91.4 KB

Project poster.