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eSTEeM Projects

The search found 4 result(s)

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    Factors influencing female participation in Physical Science Postgraduate Research Programmes

  1. Clare RegerMark BowdenAnne-Marie Gallen
  2. The aim of this project was to conduct a scoping study into why lower numbers of female graduates choose nuclear fusion Ph.D.s relative to other physical sciences. This is a particularly nuanced study as we are considering the nuclear fusion research pathway in comparison to other STEM routes.

    April 2019 to February 2022

    Black student experience and attainment on S112: improving a level 1 STEM module

  3. Louise MacBrayneJennie Bellamy
  4. Highly Commended at the 7th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2024.

    Winner of the 8th Best Poster Competition at the 12th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 19-20 April 2023.

    November 2020 to November 2023

    Gender Differences in completion and credit obtained in Level 2 study in Physical Sciences

  5. Pam Budd
  6. Winner of the 2nd Best Poster Competition at the 6th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 25-26 April 2017.

    December 2014 to February 2018

    Evaluation and improvement of print packs use for Environmental Science students

  7. Fiona AikenChris Hutton
  8. There is a legal requirement to provide students who have declared disabilities with reasonable adjustments which address their learning needs. An Advance HE report on this (Falsinger & Bryford, 2010) includes ‘resources available’ as a reasonable adjustment to address.

    October 2021 to August 2024