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Resources search

This section contains a variety of resources. These include not only items produced by eSTEeM but also other items which we think may be of interest to the higher education teaching community, including journal articles, presentations, websites and links to videos.

The search found 1135 result(s)

Search results

    Travel Advice at Walton Hall

    Useful travel advice and guidance.


    OU Campus Map

    Campus map.


    Impact of SoTL

    A range of case studies, workbooks and other resources that will help colleagues to plan and evaluate for impact when developing a project proposal.


Page 58 of 114

eSTEeM Conference Proceedings

Download your copy of the 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference Proceedings 2024.

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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM Badged Open Course

This free Badged Open Course provides a toolkit for conducting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in STEM.

Enrol now