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Perceptions and Experiences of STEM Academic Promotion (Professorial): Case study from the Open University, UK

  • Diane ButlerSoraya Kouadri MostéfaouiJimena GorfinkielMark McJury
  • The study adopts a qualitative approach to determine academics’ experiences and perceptions of the Professorial Promotions process (PB1 only) within the Faculty of STEM, Open University.

    November 2022 to September 2024

    Peer-learning activity for communicating algorithms in a Level 2 computer science module

  • Ravi Rajani
  • The project seeks to increase interaction among students on M269 Algorithms, data structures and computability 1 and develop skills in communicating and evaluating technical concepts with peers.

    May 2023 to September 2024

    Recruiting tutors to specialist modules in the School of Computing and Communications at the Open University

  • David McDade
  • Within the School of Computing and Communications (C&C), recent updates to the curriculum have highlighted issues around 'skills gaps' within the school and the impact this is having on tutor recruitment.

    November 2022 to December 2023

    Postgraduate Project Management: evaluation of student employability skills development

  • Kay BromleyJill ShawJoan Jackson
  • M815 Project Management is part of the postgraduate computing programme and can also be studied by MSc students in Technology Management, Environmental Management, Engineering, Systems Thinking in Practice or Space Science and Open MSc/MA. This proposed scholarship project is motivated by tutors’

    December 2022 to September 2024

    Which factors are correlated with undergraduate engineering distance learning students’ expectations of ethical issues?

  • Joanna Sessford
  • Ethics is becoming an increasingly important part of engineering curriculum. Engineers need to be able to recognise and make ethical decisions in their working life. This is essential for a number of different reasons including to avoid potentially life taking disasters. 

    November 2022 to February 2024

    Evaluation of online journal club (OJC) in S285: to what extent does this help students develop employability skills?

  • Lorraine WatersRachel McMullan
  • Developing employability skills have been identified as an Open University priority; there is evidence that these transferable ‘soft’ skills are often limited in science graduates entering the workplace.

    May 2022 to June 2024

    Curriculum Development in Computing and Communications: Enabling the Student Voice, Facilitating Employability and Exploring Students’ Personal and Professional Aspirations

  • Alexis LansburyArabella Nock
  • This project will investigate whether our current C&C curriculum meets the personal and professional aspirations and employability needs of our students and identify curriculum-gaps from our students’ perspectives.

    April 2022 to October 2023

    Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Badged Open Course

  • Shailey MinochaDiane Butler
  • This free Badged Open Course (BOC) titled Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM provides a toolkit for conducting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL

    January 2021 to September 2021

    Evaluating the Impact of Implementing Learning Design Approaches in STEM over 4 Years

  • Tom Olney
  • In 2016, the OU was restructured into four super-faculties (STEM, WELS, FASS & FBL). Amongst many other things, each faculty was tasked with developing structures, governance and procedures that would support module teams in designing teaching and learning appropriate to their context.

    April 2021 to March 2022

    Using Learning Logs in SXPS288 – Effectiveness in helping students to reach Learning Outcomes, to enhance and document their employability skills, and raise awareness of opportunities in the space sector

  • Alan Cayless
  • Within the physical sciences curriculum, employability and skills development elements are being incorporated into modules in order to address the Open University Employability Policy and also to address the employability and careers development requirements of Institute of Physics (IoP) accredit

    November 2020 to December 2023

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