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The Quality of Tutor/Student Early Interaction in Post-Level 1 Modules

This project builds on  a previously completed project which found considerable variation in how tutors communicate with their students at the beginning of a module. Given that the tutor-student relationship is seen as a key element in student success and retention, the project team wanted to build on these earlier findings by examining the variation in tutor-student communication throughout a module. 

This project explores the points and quality of interaction between tutors and students throughout the module learning journey, from student, tutor and line manager perspectives.  Looking at a range of geography, economics and politics modules, the intention is to explore how tutors  plan for proactive communication throughout a student’s period of study. Consideration will also be given to how  tutors interpret institutional requirements, and to what extent managers regulate the process, and to what impact.

From a student point of view, the project will explore their experience of contact with their tutor, looking at who needs to initiate communication, and whether the communication fulfils student needs and expectations.

The project team aims to gain a holistic picture of communication between tutors and students, by looking at all points of contact between them during their module learning journey.  It is hoped that recommendations can be made with regards to both baseline communication strategies and specific interventions for particular groups of students.