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Online and blended tuition

Online and blended tuition

Students' Experience of Research Methods Teaching Level 2

Project Team: Jennifer Mattschey

The project investigates Psychology students’ perception of both quantitative and qualitative research methods teaching at level 2, with the aim to identify new and more effective approaches to teaching these topics.

Implementing module team-led research skills-focused workshop events into a final year project module: An evaluation of student attitudes and outcomes

Project Team: Louise NewbiggingJames MunroSimon HarrisonMaika Telga

Investigating Psychology 3 (DE300) is the capstone Level 3 module in Psychology and Counselling with the Open University, in which students complete an independent research project over the course of the module.

Impact on formal points of tutor contact on student outcome and experience on new L1 module D120

Project Team: Marianna LatifAlicia Townshend

This study aims to explore the impact of early tutor contact on the D120 module, looking at the student experience, the tutor relationship and retention and progression. D120 is a new level 1 psychology module which started in October 2023.

Learning from YouTube: Popular Culture and Geography Distance Education

Project Team: Benjamin NewmanColin LorneGeorge Revill

The purpose of this project is to explore the potential of thinking from popular and everyday online media spaces such as YouTube.

Transition to Postgraduate Study: the MA in Music

Project Team: Rosemary Golding Byron Dueck

This project considers some of the barriers students might face when moving onto the MA in Music, either from within the OU or with prior experience of higher education from external institutions.

Does peer interaction in online tutorials impact the student experience?

Project Team: Eimear O'ConnorKatie Rix

When studying distance learning, researchers often focus on improving the interaction between attendees (e.g. Bernard et al., 2009). However, this type of research is often based on the assumption that interaction is beneficial for all students.

How does recording affect Creative Writing tutorials:-a first-year review

Project Team: Natalie LewisDonall MacCathmhaoillEmma Claire SweeneyLania Knight

This mixed-methods project evaluated the introduction of the recording of online tutorials on OU Level 2 module, Creative Writing. The project investigated specific concerns and considerations around tutorial attendance, student participation, and the pedagogy of Creative Writing workshops.

Evaluating the Impact of ‘Write Now’ Sessions: Adapting Approaches from Academic Writing Retreats to Create a Learning Community of Student Writers on A233

Project Team: Debbie Parker KinchAnactoria ClarkeJasmine Hunter Evans

The scholarship project will pilot and evaluate ‘write now’ sessions on the Open University English Literature module A233 ‘Telling Stories: the novel and beyond’.  These will be live online sessions aimed at helping students get writing, alongside other students who form a writing community, in

Exploring the Role of Video Pod Usage in Online Sessions

Project Team: Sinead EcclesKaren Twiselton

This two-stage project is aimed at mapping a period of change within the Open University (OU) where Associate Lecturers (ALs) are encouraged to activate their camera (or video-pod) whilst delivering online tutorials.

Next Generation Paper for Geography Education

Project Team: George RevillBenjamin NewmanSonja Rewhorn

Next Generation Paper (NGP) is a technology that blends paper-based and web-based materials using a freely downloadable phone app with page recognition that was developed as part of a 36-month ESRPC-funded project between the University of Surrey and OU.

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