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Students' Experience of Research Methods Teaching Level 2

Project Team: Jennifer Mattschey

The project investigates Psychology students’ perception of both quantitative and qualitative research methods teaching at level 2, with the aim to identify new and more effective approaches to teaching these topics.

Co-designing inclusive and accessible distance learning film and media curriculum at Level 1

Project Team: Kaya Davies-HayonMark Fryers

This project originates from the new Department of Film and Media and aims at designing a new Level One curriculum with diversity and inclusivity embedded as its core principles.

Impact on formal points of tutor contact on student outcome and experience on new L1 module D120

Project Team: Marianna LatifAlicia Townshend

This study aims to explore the impact of early tutor contact on the D120 module, looking at the student experience, the tutor relationship and retention and progression. D120 is a new level 1 psychology module which started in October 2023.

Exploring Welsh medium tuition in Psychology and Counselling OU modules at Level 1 – Phase 1

Project Team: Emma Roberts Sue StradlingNia Coles-Jones

The Welsh Government’s strategic framework aims to increase the number of Welsh speakers to one million by 2050.

Evaluating the Impact of ‘Write Now’ Sessions: Adapting Approaches from Academic Writing Retreats to Create a Learning Community of Student Writers (Phase 2)

Project Team: Debbie Parker-Kinch Anactoria ClarkeJasmine Hunter EvansHannah Lavery

Phase 1 of this scholarship project piloted and evaluated ‘Write Now’ sessions on the Open University undergraduate English Literature module A233 ‘Telling Stories: the novel and beyond’, during the 2022-23 academic year.

ChatGPT and the distance learner: working with AI to write assignments as the site of teaching and learning

Project Team: Edward Wigley Sonja RewhornZoe Doye

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made headlines across the world that proclaim an existential threat to humanity, with ChatGPT being heralded as the beginning of a new era in technology.  This scholarship project explores how this disruption could potentially lead to enhanced teaching

An examination of social and cultural factors that may affect engagement in study activities linked to academic writing skills

Project Team: Sharon XuerebCathy Schofield

It is vital for students to understand and uphold the principles of academic integrity throughout their studies. Although this is often a value that is promoted by higher education institutions from the outset, academic misconduct does appear to be a growing problem.

Who Watches the Watchers? Improving Teaching in FASS through the Monitoring Sign-Off Process

Project Team: Kerry SomersetEmma Clarence

Much of the quality assurance of teaching and learning at the Open University is undertaken through the monitoring of marked student assignments.

Enhancing SiSE Student Experience

Project Team: Jaime Waters

This project arises from tutor experiences in teaching SISE (Students in Secure Environments) and derives from reflections on the difficulties that SiSE students face beyond access to printed materials, and how we can provide the best possible materials and support for SISE students.

Diversifying End of Module Assessment project options on a Level 3 Classical Studies module - Benefits and Challenges for students and lecturers

Project Team: Astrid VoigtEmma Bridges

This project investigates the benefits and challenges – for both students and educators – of an innovative assessment format which aims to make assessment more inclusive and authentic for Classical Studies students.

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