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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Co-designing inclusive and accessible distance learning film and media curriculum at Level 1

Project Team: Kaya Davies-HayonMark Fryers

This project originates from the new Department of Film and Media and aims at designing a new Level One curriculum with diversity and inclusivity embedded as its core principles.

Implementing module team-led research skills-focused workshop events into a final year project module: An evaluation of student attitudes and outcomes

Project Team: Louise NewbiggingJames MunroSimon HarrisonMaika Telga

Investigating Psychology 3 (DE300) is the capstone Level 3 module in Psychology and Counselling with the Open University, in which students complete an independent research project over the course of the module.

Transition to Postgraduate Study: the MA in Music

Project Team: Rosemary Golding Byron Dueck

This project considers some of the barriers students might face when moving onto the MA in Music, either from within the OU or with prior experience of higher education from external institutions.

Exploring the experience of ‘previously registered’ students

Project Team: Janet HunterKaren Twiselton

The aim of the project is to explore the experience of students who have been registered on the same module for one or more previous presentations, have either withdrawn, deferred, or been deregistered, and have subsequently returned to study on the same module.

Assessing the effectiveness of targeted forum activities in relation to student retention

Project Team: Emilie RutledgeRoberto SimonettiJulia Chukwuma

This project considers student retention rates in relation to forum activity participation. While an array of factors—individual and institutional—impact these rates in Higher Education, creating a strong sense of student community is one organisational level measure that can addressed.

How does recording affect Creative Writing tutorials:-a first-year review

Project Team: Natalie LewisDonall MacCathmhaoillEmma Claire SweeneyLania Knight

This mixed-methods project evaluated the introduction of the recording of online tutorials on OU Level 2 module, Creative Writing. The project investigated specific concerns and considerations around tutorial attendance, student participation, and the pedagogy of Creative Writing workshops.

Diversifying End of Module Assessment project options on a Level 3 Classical Studies module - Benefits and Challenges for students and lecturers

Project Team: Astrid VoigtEmma Bridges

This project investigates the benefits and challenges – for both students and educators – of an innovative assessment format which aims to make assessment more inclusive and authentic for Classical Studies students.

Evaluating the Impact of ‘Write Now’ Sessions: Adapting Approaches from Academic Writing Retreats to Create a Learning Community of Student Writers on A233

Project Team: Debbie Parker KinchAnactoria ClarkeJasmine Hunter Evans

The scholarship project will pilot and evaluate ‘write now’ sessions on the Open University English Literature module A233 ‘Telling Stories: the novel and beyond’.  These will be live online sessions aimed at helping students get writing, alongside other students who form a writing community, in

Strengthening the PhD Culture in the School of Psychology & Counselling

Project Team: Eleni AndreouliSimon ClarkeJulian Bond

A longstanding challenge faced by students and educators alike is the difficulty in maintaining an active PhD research culture, which, in turn, can have a negative impact on doctoral students’ progression and in the quality of their studies. The reasons of this are multiple.

Improving the Diversity of the History Curriculum

Project Team: John SlightLuc-Andre Brunet

The purpose of this scholarship project is to investigate student attitudes towards the racial and ethnic diversity of the existing History curriculum, gather information about this issue from experienced ALs who teach on History modules, and consult with academics at other universities on their

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