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Level 1 Progression and Qualification Pathways: A Case Study in History

Open University students usually register for a specific degree when they begin their studies, but are able to change to a different degree pathway at various points while they are studying. This project examines student retention on qualification pathways from Level 1 multidisciplinary modules to Level 2 modules, using the BA (Honours) History (Q01) as a case study. Every year a small but notable proportion of students taking Level 1 modules deregister from their qualification pathway and switch to a different discipline before reaching Level 2. This project seeks to determine the causes of this and to enhance decision making at different levels within the university to improve student progression and student experiences.

 Our objectives are:

  1. To appreciate why students register for the Q01 pathway in the first instance and what their expectations are
  2. To understand students’ reasons for considering switching pathways, with a view to better supporting students in making qualification choices and to developing interventions to improve student retention on their original pathway
  3. To identify strengths and weaknesses of the Q01 pathway in relation to retention, and to learn from this in order to improve the student experience.

Our evaluation of these issues will be based on data drawn from student surveys, student focus groups, and a roundtable with the Student Support Team. The findings for this project will be valuable to both internal stakeholders at The Open University and external parties interested in scholarship on students’ qualification journeys. Our report will inform OU curriculum planning, design and delivery on Level 1 and History modules; Student Support guidance and practices; and senior leadership strategies in relation to qualification pathways. Furthermore, the project will establish a model for examining student progression on qualification pathways that any scholar can use to address and improve retention rates across Arts and Humanities, as well as offering context to any scholar seeking more information about these issues within Higher Education institutions.