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  4. Van de Graaff Accelerator

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Van de Graaff Accelerator

Photo of the Van de Graaff Accelerator

The Van de Graaff accelerator is used toaccelerate very small particles to hyper-velocities, in order to recreate theeffects of continual micrometeoroid dustimpacts as encountered on airlessbodies such as the Moon andEnceladus, as well as impacts onto X-ray imaging sensors and otherspacecraft components.


The Van de Graaff accelerator charges dust particles to ~+20 kV before injecting them into the accelerationtube, where they are exposed to an electric field of up to 2 MeV, causing the particles to accelerate tovelocities as high as 80 km/s. The particles then enter the drift tube, where they may be filtered, to removeparticles outside the desired velocity range for a given experiment. Finally, the particles enter a targetchamber, which accommodates both the target, as well as any supporting equipment and instrumentation.

The small target chamber can accommodate a 15 cm diameter surface analogue or spacecraft article. Forlarger targets, such as complete spacecraft instruments, the large target chamber (1 m diameter) is used.


Energy 2 MeV
Particle Size 1 - 5 μm
Particle Material Typically, spherical iron powder
Particle Velocity 2 - 80 km/s
Target diameter 1 - 80 cm

The Van de Graff Accelerator includes:

  • Time of flight detectors
  • Particle filtering
  • Cryogenic target cooling


For all enquiries please email: Manish Patel