Similar to the basic mistakes of the previous section, Generative AI output does not always follow the guidance and common-sense expectations when constraints are placed on the way questions are expected to be answered.
In this example, the answers given vary from some element of the core requirements set out in the question. The answer may use supporting elements from the question but then fail to meet the key request. It sometimes feels as if the student has replaced the question focus with another question but kept the setting or context.
One thing many LLMs have been trained on is not to offer an opinion; so, they struggle to offer useful insights when questions expect an opinionated answer, where the student is meant to take one side or the other (although they do work well in compare and contrast questions).
What is the mean of the set of numbers [23, 45, 67, 23, 43, 16, 35, 75]?
To find the mean (average) of a set of numbers, you add up all the numbers and then divide by the total count of numbers.
The LLM has not given the numeric answer expected, but has instead defined the term ’mean’.
While students can, and do, often read external content not given in the module materials and bring techniques and situations from previous study and work experiences, most modules are written with certain approaches and techniques that are expected to be reflected in the assessment. The module team and marking guides will indicate if deviations from the module approaches are permitted and how they should be handled.
However, GenAI does not remain within the limits of the module content, or the question context, and can bring in material from elsewhere. Students who do not understand the output supplied by a GenAI tool can then incorporate widely different approaches from those expected on the course, including overly complex techniques to solve straightforward problems.
You may find a full general answer that is not grounded in the context of the question, or that fails to draw on examples from supplied reading or referenced course content.
The submitted work covers a lot of detail about a wide range of issues that are marginally relevant to the question asked, or that look like a catalogue-list of all possible issues that might arise in a given example.
You may be familiar with this as it sometimes happens for students in an exam situation where they have time and feel that a question is a good 'topic' for them, but they haven’t quite resolved what the question requires. They will often list everything they know about the topic and usually relying heavily on key definitions.
Current GenAI tools similarly produce outputs where they will give overly complete lists, depth of descriptions and definitions, regardless of the expected depth and focus from the question.
What types of presentation would be appropriate to deliver academic research findings?
Various presentation formats are suitable for presenting academic research findings, including:
The choice of presentation format depends on factors such as the audience, the nature of the research, and the goals of dissemination.
Where a question is clearly looking for a short answer, the supplied answer is voluminous, going into extended details, descriptions or explanations. Similarly, the converse can occur when a high mark question gets a very abbreviated answer.
Some GenAIs are generally poor at writing to a word count. Either overlong answers to tight word deadlines (100+ words when set a 50-word limit) or short answers to more generous targets (<700 words given when a 1000 word limit is set, for example.) Students who do not pay attention to the length of the output generated simply copy the text across.
In addition, if you ask for the word count to be reported. GenAI output will often show a mis-match between the stated word count and the actual word count. GenAI tools don't know how to count so they mis-report (hallucinate) a number for the reported length of the output text.