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Dr Rachael Hamp

Profile summary

Professional biography

2022- Present RA/PDRA role in Planetary Geochemistry - Experimental Simulaton of Enceladus Ocean Floor 

2021-2022 Research Assisatant/PDRA role in Laboratory Astrophysics 

2017-2022 PhD in Geochemical cycling in the subsurface ocean of Enceladus with AstrobiologyOU 

Research interests

Icy Moons (Enceladus)

  • Thermochemical modelling of water-rock interactions on Enceladus
  • Transport processes on Enceladus from ocean floor to outer space
  • Experimental simulation of the subsurface environment of Enceladus

Interplanetary Ice 

  • Formation of amorphous and crystalline water ice and NaCl brines
  • Impact processes of ice grains in space 


An inorganic silicate simulant to represent the interior of enceladus (2024-09)
Hamp, R. E.; Olsson-Francis, K.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Pearson, V. K.
Planetary and Space Science, 248, Article 105934

Is there H2O stacking disordered ice I in the Solar System? (2024-03-01)
Salzmann, Christoph G.; Murray, Benjamin J.; Fox-Powell, Mark G.; Hamp, Rachael E.; Rosu-Finsen, Alexander and Fraser, Helen
Icarus, 410, Article 115897

Metastable Dihydrate of Sodium Chloride at Ambient Pressure (2024)
Hamp, Rachael E.; Salzmann, Christoph G.; Amato, Zachary; Beaumont, Milz L.; Chinnery, Hannah E.; Fawdon, Peter; Headen, Thomas F.; Henry, Paul F.; Perera, Liam; Thompson, Stephen P. and Fox-Powell, Mark G.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15(50) (pp. 12301-12308)

Iron reduction as a viable metabolic pathway in Enceladus' ocean (2023)
Roche, Matthew J.; Fox-Powell, Mark G.; Hamp, Rachael E. and Byrne, James M.
International Journal of Astrobiology, 22(5) (pp. 539-558)

Biosignatures in the solar system (2018-12-01)
Slade, David; Price, Alex; Hamp, Rachael and Ramkissoon, Nisha
The Biochemist, 40(6) (pp. 6-9)

Freezing behaviour of water droplets at the liquid-vacuum interface relevant to plume-forming regions on Enceladus (2024-06)
Hogan, Jessica; Fox-Powell, Mark; Hamp, Rachael; Merrison, Jonathan; Iverson, Jens Jacob; Patel, Manish and Pearson, Victoria
In : British Planetary Science Conference 2024 (19-21 Jun 2024, Leicester, UK)

Salt-Ice Grain Formation in the Enceladus Plume: A Combined Experimental and Remote Sensing Approach (2024-01)
Hogan, J; Fox-Powell, M; Hamp, R; Patel, M. R; Pearson, V and Cornet, T
In : 17th UKPF Early Career Researcher Meeting (15 Jan 2024, Imperial College, London)

Modelling water-rock interactions in the subsurface environment of Enceladus (2021-03)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Fox-Powell, Mark; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (Mar 2021, Houston, USA)

Thermochemical modelling of the subsurface environment of Enceladus to derive potential carbon reaction pathways (2020-10-02)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual)

Thermochemical modelling of the subsurface environment on Enceladus (2020-06)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : Goldschmidt 2020 (21-26 Jun 2020, Online)

Modelling Water-Rock Interactions in the Sub-surface Environment of Enceladus. (2020-01-15)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : British Planetary Science Conference 2020 (13-15 Jan 2020, Oxford)

Cryovolcanic plumes as a record of habitability: Fluid evolution and the fate of bioessential elements during freezing of simulated Enceladus ocean brines (2020)
Fox-Powell, Mark; Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pearson, Victoria; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Cousins, Claire
In : European Astrobiology Network Association (1-4 Sep 2020, Online)

Modelling the Rock-Water Interactions in the Sub-surface Environment of Enceladus (2019-08)
Hamp, Rachael; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne; Ramkissoon, Nisha and Pearson, Victoria
In : Goldschmidt Conference 2019 (18-23 Aug 2019, Barcelona)

A New Simulant to Represent The Silicate Interior of Enceladus (2019)
Hamp, Rachael; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne and Pearson, Victoria
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, Houston, USA)

The Physio-Chemical Properties for the Interior of Enceladus (2018)
Hamp, R. E.; Ramkissoon, N. K.; Olsson-Francis, K.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Pearson, V. K.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Modelling the Rock-Water Interface on Enceladus (2018)
Hamp, Rachael; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne; Ramkissoon, Nisha and Pearson, Victoria
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (16-21 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)

Geochemical Cycling in the Subsurface Environment of Enceladus (2022-06-11)
Hamp, Rachael Elizabeth
PhD thesis The Open University

Could there be life on Enceladus? (2020)
Hamp, Rachael
Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University