EEES is home to a thriving research community with a shared vision to understand the processes and systems that nourish and sustain the world around us, from the microbial through to the planetary scale and beyond.
Activity is grouped into thematic areas: Astrobiology; Dynamic Earth; Earth System Modelling; Ecosystems; Educational Research; and Palaeoenvironmental Change; plus Analytical Facilities and PhD Students.
Our publication record is available from Open Research Online.
Researchers from EEES have made important contributions to unravelling the dynamics behind past mass extinction events deep in Earth history, the origins of the Himalaya, detecting the precursors of volcanic activity, and the evidence for life on other planets.
With a commitment to respond positively to the climate emergency, EEES researchers are searching for clues to our future deep in the past, as well as in remote and sensitive contemporary ecosystems and in the complex dynamics of the global financial and economic systems.
Our research is extremely comprehensive in breadth and strongly interdisciplinary in flavour. Each Research Group supports its own focused research activity, but all groups are thoroughly connected to their own international research networks, as well as with collaborators across the School and the University.
Our research is internationally recognised, bringing in net income consistently around £2m per year, and scoring consistently well in national research assessment exercises. EEES research regularly appears in the top journals including Nature and Science and is frequently featured in mainstream news media. We are committed to engaging with the users and ultimate beneficiaries of our research, and the School has a distinguished track record at the forefront of engaged research and citizen science.
To maintain and enhance all this activity, the School boasts an impressive suite of world-class laboratory facilities, and has comprehensive mentoring systems in place for external funding and career progression, most particularly for our energetic and diverse community of postgraduate researchers.
We welcome enquiries for postdoctoral research positions and PhD studentships please see our available opportunities or contact a relevant Research Group Lead.
We are celebrating another new professor in EEES, following the promotion of Dr Pallavi Anand to Professor of Ocean Biogeochemistry.
We are celebrating a new Professor in EEES. Dr Susanne Schwenzer has recently been promoted to Professor of Planetary Mineralogy.