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Dr Elaine McPherson

Profile summary

Professional biography

Dr Elaine McPherson

Current roles and appointments
​Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead for School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems Sciences
Combined STEM Qualification Director
Staff Tutor 

Previous roles and appointments
Director of Teaching, School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems Sciences
Head of Curriculum Management, Faculty of Science

- PhD in Geochemistry (Geochemistry of silicate melt metasomatism in alpine peridotite massifs), RHBNC, University of London (1995)
- Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Care and Counselling, St Marks Theological College, Canberra (1996)
- BSc (Hons) Geology and Mathematics (First Class), RHBNC, University of London (1990)

Professional accreditation
Association for project management APMP Project Management Qualification (2013)

Research interests

Accessibility and inclusion in HE STEM teaching


Positive Digital Practices: supporting positive learner identities and student mental wellbeing in technology-enhanced higher education (2024-02)
Lister, Kate; Riva, Elena; Hartley, Alison; Waterhouse, Philippa; Moller, Naomi; Downes, Leigh; Coughlan, Tim; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McPherson, Elaine; Macdonald, Ian; Jones-Tinsley, Sophie; Brown, Cath and Tudor, Ruth
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024, Article 5(1)

Embedding and Sustaining Inclusive Practice to Support Disabled Students in Online and Blended Learning. (2019-06-14)
Pearson, Victoria; Lister, Katharine; McPherson, Elaine; Gallen, Anne-Marie; Davies, Gareth; Colwell, Chetz; Bradshaw, Kate; Braithwaite, N St.J and Collins, Trevor
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1, Article 4

How does a STEM Access module prepare adult learners to succeed in undergraduate science? (2019)
Butcher, John; Clarke, Anactoria; Wood, Carlton; McPherson, Elaine and Fowle, Wendy
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(9) (pp. 1271-1283)

Chinese whispers? Investigating the consistency of the language of assessment between a distance education institution, its tutors and students (2018-06)
Hills, Laura; Clarke, Anactoria; Hughes, Jonathan; Butcher, John; Shelton, Isobel and McPherson, Elaine
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 33(3) (pp. 238-349)

Unfit for purpose? Rethinking the language of assessment for Widening Participation students (2017-05)
Butcher, John; McPherson, Elaine; Shelton, Isobel; Clarke, Anactoria; Hills, Laura and Hughes, Jonathan
Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 19(2) (pp. 27-46)

Geochemistry of metasomatism adjacent to amphibole-bearing veins in the Lherz peridotite massif (1996)
McPherson, E.; Thirlwall, M. F.; Parkinson, I. J.; Menzies, M. A.; Bodinier, J. L.; Woodland, A. and Bussod, G.
Chemical Geology, 134 (pp. 135-157)

Black student experience on an introductory STEM module: Closing the awarding gap by listening to our Black students (2025)
Macbrayne, Louise; Bellamy, Jennie; Richards, Angela and McPherson, Elaine
In : The 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference Proceedings: Sharing Best Practice - Implementing What Works (10-11 Apr 2024, The Open University, UK) (pp. 46-53)

Ecoanxiety and environmental education: stories, conversations, actions (2024)
Davies, Sarah-Jane; Aiken, Fiona; McPherson, Elaine; Patent, Volker; Townsend, Maria; Croft, Debra; Marshall, Harriet; Shelton, Joanna and Lister, Kate
In : The 13th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2024: Sharing Scholarship and Best Practice – Implementing What Works (10-11 Apr 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)

Pathways and Intersections: Investigating awarding gaps on cross-faculty modules and degrees (2023)
Davies, Sarah-Jane; McPherson, Elaine; Keys, Mary; Croft, Debra and Rimmer, Russ
In : The 12th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Enabling Student Success – Expanding Engagement in Scholarship (19-20 Apr 2023, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)

Views of inclusion across time and space: five years of perspectives from university tutors on accessibility and inclusion (2022)
Lister, Kate; Pearson, Victoria; McPherson, Elaine and Gallen, Anne-Marie
In : 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (7-9 Nov 2022, Seville, Spain)

Improving gender balance through a Combined STEM degree (2022)
McPherson, Elaine; Clarke, Anactoria; Gallen, Anne-Marie; Keys, Mary and Wolf, Petra
In : 15th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (7-9 Nov 2022, Seville, Spain)

Towards Inclusive Language: Exploring student-led approaches to talking about disability-related study needs (2019-11-11)
Lister, Katharine; McPherson, Elaine; Coughlan, Tim; Gallen, Anne-Marie and Pearson, Victoria
In : 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019) (11-13 Nov 2019, Seville, Spain) (pp. 1444-1453)

Embedding and Sustaining Inclusive Practices in STEM (2019)
McPherson, E.; Lister, K.; Pearson, V. K.; Colwell, C.; Gallen, A. M. and Collins, T.
In : 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (11-13 Mar 2019, Valencia, Spain) (pp. 2717-2722)

Enabling inclusive group work (2019)
McPherson, Elaine; Collins, Trevor and Gallen, Anne-Marie
In : Proceedings of the 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019) (11-13 Nov 2019, Seville, Spain)